A Prayer of Protection over What Your Children See

Jennifer Waddle

iBelieve Contributor
Published Apr 24, 2020
A Prayer of Protection over What Your Children See

As media has become front-and-center in our world, with no sign of slowing down, we, as parents and grandparents should be diligent in guarding our children against images that are harmful to their minds and spirits. For every parent and grandparent who wants to be more proactive in what their children are viewing, here is a prayer of protection over what your children see.

Be careful little eyes what you see

Be careful little eyes what you see

For your Father up above is looking down in love

So be careful little eyes what you see.

~ Author Unknown

It has been said that memory is like a filing cabinet in the brain, where thoughts, ideas, and  perceptions are stored away in separate files as the information is processed. While not all memories are retrievable, and some are even lost in the brain’s complex filing system, it’s important that we guard ourselves—and our children—from harmful images that might very well be stored away indefinitely.

As media has become front-and-center in our world, with no sign of slowing down, we, as parents and grandparents should be diligent in guarding our children against images that are harmful to their minds and spirits. It’s crucial that we teach them how to discern what is appropriate and what is not. And hopefully, as they grow up, they will continue to make wise decisions regarding what they allow their eyes to see.

For every parent and grandparent who wants to be more proactive in what their children are viewing, here is a prayer of protection over what your children see.

Photo Credit: © GettyImages/МихаилРуденко

A Prayer of Protection over What Your Children See

Gracious God, we come before You today, admitting that we have allowed unhealthy things to be viewed in our family. Please forgive us, Lord, for making light of the images we see on television and through the media.

We ask, Lord, that You change our hearts and minds to seek You in all things. We pray for a renewed sense of right and wrong, according to the conviction of Your Spirit. Help us to be good examples to our children, that they might follow the pattern of our ways. But most of all, Lord, we pray that they will follow after You. And we ask boldly for Your divine protection over their little eyes and ears.

Help us, Lord, to take a stand against the violence, sexual innuendoes, and foul language that is so prominent in the media. Strengthen us in the inmost place, by Your Spirit, that we would unapologetically turn off the shows that oppose Your holiness. Please give us a new resolve to guard our children’s eyes from what they might see on their phones, tablets, computers, and televisions. Recenter our family on quality time together, without media. Unite us in wholesome activities that we can enjoy, that will grow us closer as a family, and that will ultimately draw us closer to You.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/dragana991

Pray for Discernment for the Counter-Culture Family

Heavenly Father, do a mighty work within our families, that we would change the tide of the culture by turning off our screens and spending more time in Your word. Reintroduce what it means to have sweet fellowship with one another. Remind us to limit our children’s viewing time and encourage them to engage in healthy activities. Prevent us from using television as a babysitter, and to review the things they watch in order to make healthy decisions for them.

Lord, by Your leading, guide us into a pure and holy place—a place where we can find Your peace and provision. Help us to seek You first, and to find wisdom concerning what our children see. We pray for unity within the family unit, that husbands and wives will be on the same page regarding what is viewed. Please promote peace within our families and help us define healthy boundaries that align with Your will.

Holy God, give us a deep desire to set ourselves and our children apart from the world. Forgive us for the times when we have followed the culture instead of following You. Set us on the narrow path, Lord, even when the way is lonely and steep. Help us to avoid the broad path leading to destruction. Keep us faithful in Your presence.

Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Glenn Carstens-Peters

Pray for Spirits of Understanding and Obedience

By the power of Your Holy Spirit, help us to be bold in our parenting, unafraid to eliminate the things that are harmful to our kids. Please give us the words to explain to our children why they cannot view certain things. Open their little minds and hearts to understand why we do what we do. Give them a spirit of obedience instead of rebellion.

Thank You, Lord, for being so gracious to us, even though we make many mistakes along the way. Please filter out all images that our children have seen that are not healthy for them. We pray that their minds will not store away harmful things, but will be filled with wholesome and pure images. We praise You, Lord, for being so faithful to us. Help us to remain faithful to You as we protect our children from seeing things that are contrary to who You are.

It is in the holy name of Jesus we pray these things.


Jennifer Waddle authorJennifer Waddle is the author of several books, including Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayerand is a regular contributor for LifeWay, Crosswalk, Abide, and Christians Care International. Jennifer’s online ministry is EncouragementMama.com where you can find her books and sign up for her weekly post, Discouragement Doesnt Win. She resides with her family near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains—her favorite place on earth. 

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