Encouragement for the Mom Struggling in Silence

Alicia Searl

Being a mom is hard. Sometimes, we just need to admit that. Say it out loud even, to let our momma heart know that this gig (as amazing as it is) doesn’t always feel so… how shall I say it, “rewarding"?

Honestly, it’s so easy to fall into this trap of believing we should feel a certain way or that motherhood should somehow come naturally, especially since our faith is meant to carry us through, right? After all, the Bible is slathered with verses on parenthood, calling us to train these little darlings up with a gentle mixture of discipline and love, foster a foundation of faith, all while seeing it as pure joy. If we could just manage to follow His instructions, what could go wrong?

Well, a lot could go wrong, actually, as you may already know. Sometimes, being a mom feels lonely as you battle the heavy weight of conviction or guilt after reprimanding your defiant child. Other times, it feels utterly disheartening as you watch your trying teen walk away from the faith you so lovingly laid out before them. Not to mention all other times inadequacy, past hurts, comparing yourself to other moms, frustrations, or just plain hormones (we seriously can’t discount those pesky disruptors), come into play and sabotage all our joy! 

So, what do we do? We may outwardly smile but secretly harbor content that no one understands our shortcomings, or we forge on pretending we’re all good. But either way, it’s all done—in silence.

So, let’s break the silence today!

The Lies We Believe

What if I told you that struggling in this way, especially as a mom, is built upon a lie? That’s right, a big fat lie! Everything you believe about motherhood that is stealing your joy and robbing your peace, causing you to press your lips in silence, is a ploy strategically played out by the king of lies! The enemy is using your silence to destroy your testimony as a mom! Read that part again. The enemy is using your silence in the form of your own personal weaknesses, imperfections, and inherited sinful nature to shift your gaze from the truth. 

Don’t you see it? He wants you here! It’s all a mind game.

How does Satan know what you believe? He doesn’t. But he listens and watches closely. Every word you utter in frustration to every cry for help. He uses that as ammo. So, when you sit in silence rocking that sweet baby to sleep, he whispers lies about your failures. When you find yourself at a mommy playdate with no one to talk to, he whispers lies about fellowship and friendship. When you enter a new and intimidating season or watch your babies grow up, you got it, he whispers more and more lies. 

The bottom line is that the enemy wants you to sit and stay silent, getting wrapped up in the idea that motherhood is binding and without hope. Satan is stealing the reward that comes from raising a tribe of fearless warriors! That means we need to stop playing his game!

The Truth That Sets Us Free

Thankfully, God took our momma hearts into account when He gave us His manual on parenting. The Bible may contain a bunch of wise words for parents, but it also speaks to the nature of our hearts that long to be heard but often stay silent. Don’t forget that the Bible was written for those who are struggling and in desperate need of hope and encouragement, which pretty much means it was written for all of mankind. The good news is that by acknowledging the harsh realities that come with motherhood, we are then met with the unapologetic truth that sets us free!

God gets it! He knows parenting is hard because He is a Father, and it pains Him every time one of His children loses their way (Matthew 18:10-14). You, my dear, may be one He may be searching for, inviting you to come back and abide in Him, to trust Him, to let Him move in your life as a mom. Do you hear Him softly calling you? Take a minute to tune in and listen.

Sweet momma friend, God isn’t expecting you to have it all figured out. He is just waiting for you to come to Him and share your heart by breaking the silence so He can meet you where you are. He knows what you carry, He hears the painful unspoken words, He feels your heartache, but He waits on you so He can remind you of truth.

The truth is, God tells you that the greatest blessing you can ever have as a mom is to faithfully serve Him through loving and discipling the children He gifted you—to the best of your ability. He’s not asking for perfection; He’s asking for your service in this ministry as a mom. While there are no guarantees, when we remain faithful, God sees. God knows. And the reward isn’t having perfectly faithful and obedient children or experiencing immense joy; it’s knowing you poured your heart and soul into your family, allowing God to be an active part in it all!

So, let’s cast out the lies while proclaiming truths, shall we? When you have a bad day that leaves you solemn and silent, will you choose to fight the good fight? I encourage you to proclaim the verses below out loud to warn the enemy who he is messing with and send a clear message that he needs to back off!

God is my comforter (Isaiah 16:13).

God is my strength (Exodus 15:2).

God is my protector (Psalm 18:2).

God is my provider (Philippians 4:19).

God will help me (Romans 8:28).

God hears my prayers (Matthew 21:22).

God sees me and my struggles (1 Peter 2:9).

God wants me to be still and silent before Him (Psalm 46:10).

Break the silence; speak with your Father. He always has time for you, beloved daughter.

A Prayer to Encourage You Right Now!

When you are overcome with such struggles that it leads you to embrace silence, pray! Pray out loud to defeat the enemy, my friend! Pray to remind yourself of truth. Pray because God actually commands us to pray, knowing it fosters a relationship with Him. Praying out loud welcomes God into your heart, mind, and soul. 

Faithful Father, thank you for the blessings of my children and for granting me this precious role to be called Mom. I do not take this title lightly and yearn with every fiber to be good at it. But if I am being honest, many days are really hard, and I feel I fall short and fail in so many ways. It hurts to know I am not good enough or that my children are not getting my best. The lies at that point are easier to believe as I am already knocked down. But with You, God, I know I can stand up and lean into Your loving arms for support. Oh, how I desperately need Your strength right now. Please wrap me in Your warm embrace and remind me of the truths found in Your loving Word. Reclaim them loudly over my heart so I can speak them into existence. Forgive me where I have failed You and sought a dark path, and when my mind wanders into that place again, please shine a light and draw me back to You, God. I love you and need your grace every single day. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©tatyana_tomsickova

Alicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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