How to Be an Exemplary Role Model for Our Children

Emmanuel Abimbola

In family life, the role of a parent stands as a lighthouse, guiding their children's lives through the stormy seas of the world. As for a Christian parent, this responsibility takes on a profound significance, as it echoes the divine truth in Proverbs 22:6, which says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This shows the importance of being a good role model for children.

To fully comprehend the gravity of this responsibility, one must first recognize that children are like sponges, absorbing the values, behaviors, and attitudes displayed by their parents. Hence, a parent's conduct serves as a living testament to the moral and ethical principles of Christ.

By embodying Christ-like virtues such as love, patience, kindness, and forgiveness, parents not only nurture a positive family environment but also engrain these values deep within the hearts of their children. In this nurturing atmosphere, children learn not merely through words but through the tangible example set before them.

In James 1:22, it is written, "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." By practicing godly lifestyles, our children witness firsthand the authentic manifestation of godly principles, reinforcing the teachings and making them more compelling and credible.

A Role Model of Godliness

Being a godly role model is not a mere obligation but a profound privilege that shapes the spiritual landscape of your family and beyond. It requires a genuine, unwavering commitment to living a life that mirrors the teachings of Christ. Here's how you can demonstrate your love and devotion to God, obey His commands, and share your faith and testimony with your children and others:

Demonstrating Love and Devotion to God through Prayer, Worship, and Bible Study

Develop a consistent prayer life, not just in times of need but as a daily dialogue with God. Pray with your children, teaching them the intimacy of communication with the Divine. Engage in family worship, where you collectively praise God, read the Scriptures, and share insights. Regular Bible study, exploring its depths together, illuminates the family's understanding of God's Word.

Through Obedience to God’s Commands

Be transparent with your children, admit your mistakes, and seek forgiveness when you err. Demonstrate the importance of truthfulness in all situations. Model generosity by sharing what you have with others. Involve your children in charitable activities, teaching them the joy of giving. Also, emphasize the significance of forgiveness by forgiving others genuinely and encouraging your children to do the same.

Seeking God’s Will

Demonstrate decision-making grounded in prayer and seeking God's guidance. Involve your children in family decisions, explaining how you discern God's will. Show them the beauty of patience by waiting on God's timing.

Through being a witness, live a life that reflects Christ's love. Let your children see your faith in action, whether in times of joy or adversity. Be open about how your faith shapes your reactions to life's challenges.

Through your actions, words, and the love you share, you become a living testament to the transformative power of God's love, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of your children and all those around you.

A Role Model of Excellence and Growth 

As stewards of God’s gifts and talents, here’s how you can pursue excellence and growth in your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, and professional spheres:

1. Pursuing Excellence and Growth:

In your spiritual life, cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God through prayer, meditation, and studying the Scriptures. Actively participate in your faith community, fostering spiritual accountability and growth. Demonstrate qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) in your daily life.

Physical, mental, and emotional well-being: prioritize self-care. Exercise regularly, maintain a balanced diet, and get adequate rest. Stimulate mental growth through reading, learning new skills, and solving problems.

Nurture emotional health by acknowledging and managing emotions, seeking support when needed, and practicing mindfulness and gratitude.

Social and Professional Life: Build healthy relationships based on mutual respect, kindness, and understanding. Actively listen, empathize, and support others. Strive for excellence in your professional endeavors, seeking continuous learning and improvement. Be a team player, demonstrating leadership through service and collaboration.

2. Setting Goals and Plans as Visionaries and Leaders:

Personal Goals: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for each area of your life. Align your goals with your values and faith, ensuring they contribute to your spiritual, emotional, and social well-being.

Family Goals: Involve your family in goal-setting. Encourage your children to dream big and pursue their passions. Foster an environment where they can set goals, make plans, and learn from both successes and failures. Support and guide them, emphasizing the importance of resilience and perseverance.

3. Overcoming Challenges with Faith and Perseverance:

Faith in God: Anchor your faith in God's promises. Trust in His plan, even when faced with challenges. Encourage your children to lean on their faith during difficult times, teaching them that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Perseverance and Resilience: Instill in yourself and your children the importance of perseverance. Challenges are inevitable, but they are also growth opportunities. Teach resilience by demonstrating how to adapt, learn, and overcome obstacles. Share stories of biblical figures who faced adversity but emerged victorious through faith and perseverance.

Support Systems: Encourage seeking support from your faith community, friends, and family when facing challenges. Emphasize the power of community and prayer. Being part of a supportive network can provide strength and encouragement during difficult times.

In all these pursuits, encourage yourself with the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." With faith as your foundation and God as your guide, you will excel in various aspects of life, and you will inspire others to do the same. 

Your journey of excellence and growth, marked by faith, perseverance, and a commitment to stewarding God's gifts, becomes a testament to His grace and transformative power, inspiring generations to come.

As you practice these principles and tips, I invite you to reflect on the profound impact they can have on your parenting journey. Remember that your role as a parent is not just a duty but a divine calling—a chance to shape lives and nurture souls.

Set goals together as a family, teaching your children the importance of vision and perseverance. Encourage their dreams and guide their ambitions with love and wisdom. 

In the face of challenges, remind them that faith and resilience are their greatest allies. And in your moments of doubt, remember: You are not alone. The Almighty walks beside you, His grace illuminating your path. 

Your efforts, no matter how small they may seem, hold immeasurable value. Every prayer whispered, every lesson taught, and every act of love sown is a testament to your dedication.

A Prayer for You and Your Children

Heavenly Father, we come before you with gratitude for the gift of parenthood. Bless these readers and their children, Lord. Strengthen them in their journey, grant them wisdom in their decisions, and fill their homes with love, joy, and understanding.

May these parents be beacons of faith, guiding their children with patience and kindness. May their homes echo with laughter and the warmth of familial love. In moments of challenge, grant them the strength to overcome and the wisdom to teach. In moments of joy, let gratitude abound.

Lord, may these families be a testament to Your love and grace. May they inspire others with their example and nurture generations rooted in faith and love.


Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/monkeyybusinessimages

Emmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.

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