One Key Factor Behind a Child's Hostile Behavior

Liz Pineda

Now and then, I am baffled by the stark difference between the behaviors of kids in my generation and those of today’s children.

I could remember how we, as kids, would behave—brought to a standstill in split seconds upon seeing our Mom throwing us a piercing, menacing stare with her arms all akimbo.

Many of my former colleagues in the teaching profession would often rail at how rude and insolent students are nowadays compared to the previous generations.

So, what changed? What brought about such a drastic difference that seemed to have flipped the switch, turning these present-day kids into rowdy, defiant, and unruly youngsters?

Could it be the modern parenting style? The lack of quality time kids have with their parents? Or the over-stimulating, negative shows children watch on TV?

The answer could be all of these factors: the parenting style of my time is a lot different than today, the quality time spent between parents and their children in past generations has dropped considerably, and the quality of TV shows for kids today is nothing short of appalling compared to what we had in the past.

Nonetheless, I would like to focus on the perverse impact of only one of these key factors behind children’s defiant behavior—the negative consequences of today's inappropriate shows on children's character, demeanor, and mindset.

Note: Underlying medical conditions can also be a factor to consider when trying to resolve a child’s behavioral issues. Thus, each situation is different and might require a visit to a doctor to determine the cause of a child’s disruptive behavior.

Inappropriate Shows Impact Behavior

What kids watch online shapes their behavior. It's a scientific fact. I know that fully well, but nothing drives the point home like seeing the dire outcome with my own eyes.

You see, my cousin and I once visited a friend. She is a mom of four adorable kids, but they can get quite rowdy and unruly. I noticed they’re also prone to responding with snide, mocking remarks, often accompanied by a prideful smirk.

And even with my friend's firm discipline, her kids seem to have some selective memory, as they charge headlong into the same unsavory behavior without a hint of hesitation or fear. I tell you—this is just a few short minutes after receiving a reprimand, coupled with a spank in the bum with flip flops, strong enough to reduce her kids to a hot mess of tears.

Thus, I couldn’t help but wonder why parents of today no longer evoke the same level of respect in their children—that’s until I witnessed what could have been one of the potential triggers that drives kids to misbehave and snap into a fit of anger and a spate of abrasive behaviors.

During our stay in my friend’s house, I got to see the shows her kids were fond of watching on TV, totally glued to these series of shows, composed of ill-behaved, unrestrained, rampageous youngsters whose sharp tongues were full of insults and vitriol.

The cuss words, the sneering and disparaging remarks, the fierceness in their voice, and the sly, conceited smirks are all too familiar; my friend’s kids uncannily exhibit the same boorish behavior with precision, down to the smallest detail.

A steady diet of malevolent shows adversely impacts children’s behavior, but what exacerbates such an unfortunate reality is the effects these shows have on children’s emotional and psychological well-being.

Thus, if these shows impact mental health, teaching kids how to be violent, rude, defiant, and fearless toward authority, why do we allow them to be exposed to this kind of programming? 

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23 (NKJV)

If we allow vile and revolting TV shows to have the upper hand in shaping the character of our children, we are opening a door for the enemy’s lies and deception to rule over their lives. Thus, we need to take proactive action to shield our children from the myriad of tools the enemy is using in conditioning our children to deviate from the straight path God has laid out for them.

We must then teach God’s ways so they will not “be conformed to this world, but... be transformed by the renewing of their minds, that they may prove and learn as they grow up what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 (NKJV)

The Parental Response

One of the ways by which parents can abide by God's command stated in Deuteronomy 6:7 (KJV) is by being diligent in choosing the type of shows children are exposed to. Here’s a link to an article containing a list of shows that children can safely watch on TV or online: Kids’ shows you can trust.

Meanwhile, the following are not without their fair share of issues and malfunctions, using them can still help protect kids from accessing unsavory content online:

Activate safe search settings.

Turning on Google safe search settings can help filter out harmful shows for kids, concealing objectionable results that children can otherwise access easily should it not be activated. 

To activate the feature, do the following:

You can tap on three horizontal lines (menu) at the top left, then select "Settings." Search Settings: Under "Search Settings," locate the "SafeSearch filters" section, from there you can turn on the setting.

Set parental controls on kids’ devices.

Myriad apps and software offer parental controls that enable them to keep track of their children's online activities and filter the types of content they consume, preventing them from accessing certain apps and other inappropriate sites, among others.  

Have an open conversation with children about online safety.

Providing children with information about the importance of avoiding harmful shows online is crucial to keeping offensive content at bay. It must, however, be discussed as clearly as possible to avoid any unnecessary confusion. 

We may also ask them if they came across something distressing or just about anything that may have upset them. In this way, should they happen to watch an inappropriate scene or what have you, you can provide the best possible explanation to mitigate, if not stamp out, its damaging effects on their mental and psychological well-being. 

Parents Are the First Line of Defense

Let’s be reminded that parents are children’s first line of defense. Thus, God gave parents a moral responsibility to teach children His ways when He said: “And thou shalt teach them (His Words) diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up" (Deuteronomy 6:7 KJV).

God wants parents to guide their children into the path of peace so they may grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God, enabling them to live a life of contentment and profound joy—the kind of life only God can provide.

As it is written: “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13 (NKJV)

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Antonio_Diaz

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