Teaching Your Children to Understand Dreams

Emmanuel Abimbola

Emmanuel Abimbola

Contributing Writer
Published Aug 08, 2023
Teaching Your Children to Understand Dreams

Handling nightmares and fearful dreams is a crucial aspect of nurturing a child's emotional well-being and spiritual growth

Dreams are like whispered secrets from God's heart to our children's souls; let us teach them to listen and discern, for within each dream lies a divine message waiting to unfold.

From the very dawn of human history, God chose to reveal His divine will, mysteries, and messages to His chosen people through dreams. These dreams, often laden with symbolism and revelation, served as a bridge between the human realm and the divine, allowing mortals to glimpse into the vastness of God's plans. Just as the stars in the night sky guided the wise men to the newborn King in Bethlehem, dreams have guided countless believers on their spiritual journeys, offering them glimpses of the Almighty's grand design.

One of the earliest examples of dreams' importance can be found in the life of Joseph, the favored son of Jacob, whose dreams foretold his future leadership and the rise of his brothers' jealousy. Genesis 37:5-11 reveals how God used dreams to unveil His divine purposes and set Joseph on a path of divine destiny. Likewise, the prophet Daniel experienced visions and dreams that deciphered kings' dreams and provided prophetic insights into the future of empires and the coming of the Messiah (Daniel 2, 7, 8).

Dreams became a crucial channel for divine communication, enabling God to speak to His people in various ways. The angelic messages conveyed to Mary and Joseph in dreams affirmed the miraculous birth of Jesus, the Savior of humanity (Matthew 1:20-21, 2:13–19). It was in dreams that God warned Joseph to escape with the child to Egypt, protecting the infant Jesus from King Herod's wrath.

Throughout the New Testament, dreams continued to play an instrumental role. The Apostle Peter received a vision in Acts 10:9-16, where God revealed the acceptance of Gentiles into the Christian faith, breaking down cultural barriers and broadening the gospel's scope. Dreams became a means for God to guide and direct His people, affirming their faith and encouraging them in their mission.

Yet, amid the undeniable importance of dreams, a discerning heart becomes paramount for interpreting these messages correctly. It’s important to note that not every dream holds divine significance; some may arise from the depths of our subconscious, while others may be influenced by external factors or even malevolent sources. Hence, it is essential to test dreams against the plumb line of God's Word, just as the Berean Christians diligently searched the Scriptures to confirm the teachings they received (Acts 17:11).

In the realm of dreams, God's voice rings clear and true, but it may also be distorted by our desires, fears, and personal biases. The Apostle Paul warns in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that even Satan can masquerade as an angel of light, attempting to deceive us through misleading dreams or visions. Therefore, fostering spiritual discernment and prayerful reflection helps distinguish divine revelations from deceptive whispers.

As Christian parents and mentors, it is our sacred duty to guide the young hearts entrusted to our care into understanding the significance of dreams in Christianity. Just as Eli instructed the young Samuel to respond to the Lord's call with the words, "Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth" (1 Samuel 3:9), we must nurture a generation that listens, discerns, and embraces the messages God conveys through dreams.

The Importance of Teaching Kids About Dreams

Teaching kids about dreams holds immense importance in their spiritual and emotional development; providing them with guidance and understanding empowers them to embrace this aspect of their spiritual journey with confidence and discernment.

Biblical Foundation: Introducing children to the significance of dreams lays a strong biblical foundation. By delving into the stories of Joseph, Daniel, and other biblical figures, kids learn that dreams have been a divine means of communication with God throughout history. Understanding this biblical context nurtures their faith and trust in God's desire to speak to His children through dreams.

Communication with God: Dreams can be a direct line of communication between children and God. Encouraging our kids to share their dreams with us or trusted adults opens channels for conversations about their spiritual experiences. Such conversations provide opportunities to guide them in interpreting dreams and discerning potential divine messages, thus deepening their relationship with God.

Building Trust and Comfort: Also, children often experience nightmares and frightening dreams, which can cause fear and anxiety. Therefore, teaching them about dreams helps them find comfort in knowing that God is with them even in their dreams. Emphasizing God's protection and love provides a sense of security, allowing them to sleep peacefully and face their fears with confidence.

Wisdom and Guidance: As our children grow older, their dreams may hold insights into their inner thoughts, feelings, and fears. By imparting wisdom on discerning dreams, we equip them to explore their emotions, thoughts, and desires in a healthy and godly manner. This guidance helps them align their lives with God's purposes and navigate the challenges they may encounter.

Discovering God's Purpose: Dreams can offer glimpses of God's calling and purpose for a child's life. Just as Samuel discovered his prophetic calling through a dream, children may receive insights into their unique gifts and talents. Nurturing their understanding of dreams can lead them toward fulfilling God's plan for their lives.

Discernment and Avoiding Deception: In a world where various spiritual beliefs and ideologies abound, teaching kids about dreams helps them discern between biblical truths and worldly notions. This knowledge safeguards them from falling into superstitions, new-age influences, or deceptive teachings that may not align with the gospel.

Prayer and Faith: Understanding the significance of dreams encourages children to pray with anticipation, asking God for guidance and revelation. This fosters a deeper connection with God and a growing faith that God listens and responds to the earnest prayers of His children.

Teaching kids about dreams goes beyond the realm of slumber; it is an investment in their spiritual growth and maturity. By nurturing their understanding of God's communication through dreams, we empower them to embrace this mystical aspect of their faith journey with discernment, trust, and a deeper connection to their Heavenly Father.

Handling Nightmares and Fearful Dreams

Handling nightmares and fearful dreams is a crucial aspect of nurturing a child's emotional well-being and spiritual growth. As children encounter the haunting specter of nightmares, it becomes essential for us as parents to respond with compassion and wisdom. By providing comfort and instilling trust in God's protection and presence, we can help children navigate the realm of dreams with courage and faith.

Nightmares can be distressing, leaving children feeling vulnerable and fearful. As parents, our first instinct must be to offer comfort and reassurance to alleviate their anxieties. Listening empathetically to their dream experiences, acknowledging their feelings, and assuring them that nightmares are a natural part of dreams can be immensely comforting. We can emphasize that dreams are not reality and that God has blessed them with a divine Guardian who watches over their sleep.

Drawing from the biblical teachings of God's unwavering protection, we can instill in children an unshakable trust in His watchful care. Psalm 91:5-7 beautifully captures this promise: "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night... Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness... A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee."

Teaching children to pray before sleep and committing their dreams to God's hands further reinforces the belief that they are never alone, even in the shadowy realms of dreams. We can share stories of biblical figures like Joseph, Daniel, and Peter who found strength and guidance in God's presence during challenging dream experiences.

Building a sense of faith in God's protective presence, we can introduce children to the concept of guardian angels as heavenly companions who encamp around them. Just as the psalmist declared in Psalm 91:11, "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways," we can help children develop an awareness of these angelic protectors.

Moreover, by incorporating scriptural bedtime rituals, such as reading passages from the Psalms or reciting comforting prayers, children can rest in the knowledge that the peace of God will guard their hearts and minds as they sleep (Philippians 4:7).

Teaching kids about dreams involves highlighting the significance of dreams in Christianity, discerning the source of dreams, and understanding the difference between prophetic dreams and ordinary dreams. It requires nurturing a prayerful and God-centered life, emphasizing the importance of prayer in understanding dreams, cultivating a relationship with God through daily devotion and Bible study, and instilling a lifestyle of seeking God's will in all aspects of life, including dreams. By embracing these principles, children can navigate the mysterious realm of dreams with spiritual wisdom and a deep connection to their Heavenly Father.

Guiding children to handle dreams biblically has a profound impact on their emotional well-being and spiritual growth. They develop a sense of security, knowing that God's protection extends even into the realm of dreams. This guidance empowers them to confront nightmares with courage and faith, finding comfort in God's presence and love. By interpreting dreams with discernment and seeking God's will, children can discover divine messages, prophetic insights, and God's purpose for their lives. By embracing the wisdom of the Scriptures, children grow in spiritual maturity and develop a deeper understanding of God's character and ways.

Photo Credit: ©Getty/Mladen-Zivkovic

Emmanuel Abimbola headshotEmmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.