7 Creative Ways to Love New Moms

Asheritah Ciuciu

Published Dec 04, 2015
7 Creative Ways to Love New Moms
Looking for ways to help new moms? This post will give you plenty of creative ideas.

If you know someone who’s expecting a baby, you’re probably excited to get to hold the little bundle of joy. But if you’re like me, you might be scrambling for ideas of how to actually HELP the growing family. Here are 7 creative ways to serve and love new moms:

1. Roll Up Your Sleeves and Serve

No doubt about it, the first weeks after bringing a baby home, the new mom is exhausted and sleep-deprived. Add to that a load of guilt for not sweeping the floor in four weeks, and you have a recipe for disaster. Sure, there are some who will offer a casual “Let me know if I can help,” but imagine how awkward it is to ask someone to wash your dishes.

Instead, offer specific help. Say something like, “Hey, I’d be happy to do a load of laundry while I’m here.” Or mow the lawn, clean the bathrooms, etc. What a way to love this beautiful woman and serve Jesus at the same time!

2. Bring Over a Meal

It’s said that the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, let me suggest that the same is true for new moms.

Phone the new mom and ask her when you can bring over a meal for them. Make sure to ask about food allergies or sensitivies. Cookies and breads are welcome, too, and if there are older siblings at home, maybe pack a special treat just for them.

If you’re looking for some meal ideas, I have a Pinterest board filled with them! Click the board below to check them out!

meal ideas pinterest

3. Get Something Nice for Mom

One of the most remarkable gifts I received after our daughter was born was a pink nursing nightgown. It was frilly and soft and a thoughtful gift in general. But what brought me to tears was that it made me feel pretty again. After months of being swollen and feeling as big as a whale, I had forgotten what it felt like to feel feminine and attractive. Such a gift (for both wife and husband)!I need to save these for when another friend has a baby. What great and EASY ideas!

Obviously, this is best received from close friends and family, but consider getting her a pretty blouse, a new shade of lipstick, a light fragrance, or a necklace. It can be refreshing to feel like an attractive woman and not just a milk machine.

4. Plan a Play Date with Older Siblings

If you’re close to the family, offer to take the older kids for an afternoon so that mom can have some quiet time with the new baby. This will allow her to bond with the new addition and to catch up on some much-needed rest, without worrying that she’s neglecting the kids.

Plus, it’s a special occassion for the siblings to get to do something special outside the house. I hear zoo outings, ice cream stops, and play parks are a big hit.

5. Get Something Special Just For Baby

If this baby’s not the first, he or she will likely get a lot of hand-me-downs, and the parents may not be able to afford something special just for the new baby.

Consider getting a small gift that is especially for the little one. I saw this plush musical lamb andBaby’s First Year photo frame at Family Christian, and can’t help thinking they would be perfect!

lambphoto frame

Bonus points, though, you find a gift that can also be enjoyed by everyone, like this baby worship CDthat everyone can sing along to.


I got to review this CD from Family Christian. It’s filled with songs from singers like Steven Curtis Chapman, Nicole Nordman, Matthew West, and Bethany Dillon. One of my favorites on the album is Michael Card’s “Sleep Sound in Jesus.” It puts into words the prayers that each of us have as parents, put to a beautiful melody and duet. And not only are the songs soothing, the messages of those songs are exactly what new moms need to get them through the ups and downs of mothering a baby. Since we’re expecting our second baby in a few months, I really appreciate having these songs on hand for those long nights, especially those first few weeks. Plus, this CD can be listened to night after night, year after year, long after the babies have grown up. What a gift!

6. Speak Words of Life

Be cautious in offering unsolicited advice. Mama guilt is too common a reality, and she’s probably nervous navigating new waters. Instead, graciously praise her for the things she is doing well, and speak blessings over her in her new role as mother.

Also, offer encouragement through email or text messages. Surprise mama with a text that says “Thinking of you today and praying that you and baby have a restful and fun day!” That way she doesn’t have to reply right away but knows that you’re thinking of her.

7. Give Her a Break

Want to know the BEST way to love a new mom? Offer to babysit her children, even if just for an hour. Give her a break and let her go grocery shopping by alone, paint her nails, meet a friend for coffee, or read a good book. In fact, encourage her to get away and do something fun for herself.

She’ll come back rejuvinated and recharged, ready to love on her little ones and grateful for your thoughtful gesture.

Those are my top 7 creative ways to love a new mom. What are yours?

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