Get ready to fight for your wife in the way she needs most – and pray for her! Don't worry if you need a game plan; I've got you covered. Below you will find a Scripture and a simple prayer to lift up your lovely wife for each day of the week.
If you really want to melt your wife's heart, say these four words to her – I'm praying for you. I can almost bet that within a few seconds of those words flying from your mouth, that sweet smile you adore so much will gradually spread across her lovely face! She may respond with a shy, "Really?" or maybe even ask what you are praying for, but the thought of you praying for her will truly mean more to her than you know.
The truth is, your prayers are powerful! They carry a lot of weight against a world that is currently brutally attacking her femininity and the beautiful design that God created within her. Sadly, our modern-day culture is stealing away her right to feel safe and secure, and society is not only downplaying it but accepting and even celebrating it. This is spiritual warfare; your wife needs you to fight for her!
Your precious wife needs to know that you will stand up for what is true, noble, and right. She wants to know that you would go to battle to protect her. Need an image of that? Think Braveheart (or whatever other movie you see fitting) and raise up to the occasion with courage. She needs you to be her strong and faithful husband that she trusts and can lean into, so she can feel that wave of security.
You were created for this! You were made for battle. God designed you that way. And the best way to fight and gain wisdom on protecting and caring for your wife and children is by putting your hands together and seeking the Lord. Your wife desperately needs your prayers. And yes, she wants you to tell her you are praying for her because, in doing so, she is given the assurance she needs. And that is this – your marriage prayers tell her you want to bulletproof your marriage from all the outside attacks. Furthermore, you want to give her the confidence to be the woman God calls her to be!
So, get ready to fight for your wife in the way she needs most – and pray for her! Don't worry if you need a game plan; I've got you covered. Below you will find a Scripture and a simple prayer to lift up your lovely wife for each day of the week.
Let's get started praying!
Sunday: A Prayer for Your Wife to Feel Fully Known and Fully Loved
O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me… Psalm 139:1-6 (this entire Psalm is a great one to proclaim over your wife and yourself)
Lord, I pray that Your love will pour over my wife. Etch in her heart and speak into her thoughts that You see her and hear the cries of her heart. Help her lean into the truth of who You say she is and find comfort in Your unfailing love. Give me the wisdom and the right words to say that extend compassion, comfort, and encouragement to her when needed. Amen.
Monday: A Prayer for Your Wife's Role as a Mother
What a lioness was your mother among the lions! She lay down among them and reared her cubs. Ezekiel 19:2
Faithful Father, I am so thankful for my wife and the ability You gave her to nurture and raise our children. While each day comes with its own set of challenges, bless her with renewed energy and endurance to help her persevere. I pray that she seeks You above all else and trusts You to lead and guide her while she does her duties and tasks as a mother. I place my wife and children in Your loving care. Amen.
Tuesday: A Prayer for Your Wife to Find Fellowship with Other Godly Women
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Gracious God, You know my wife's deep need for community and friendships. Please bring women alongside her who will encourage her to develop a closer relationship with You first and foremost but will also speak love and truth into all her relationships. Guard her heart and protect her mind from conversations that veer her away from Your goodness while allowing a safe space for her to develop meaningful friendships. Amen.
Wednesday: A Prayer for Your Wife's Protection and Security
My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior-from violent people you save me. 2 Samuel 22:3
O God, please protect my dear wife's feminine and beautiful nature. As the world gets louder and confuses our roles as men and women, targeting our identity, please remind her of who she is as Your beloved daughter. As my wife hears the loud lies and becomes taken over by worry or even fear, please give her the courage to voice what is true and give me the strength to keep her and my children safe and secure when malicious attacks occur. Amen.
Thursday: A Prayer for Her to Pursue Her Calling
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him. Psalm 103:13
Jesus, You have bestowed my precious wife with so many beautiful talents and gifts. Lead and guide her to see how she can be used for Your glory. Grant her the confidence to know she is worthy of the calling You have placed on her heart, and give her the will and desire to say "yes" to You, Lord. As her husband, I want to support her, so provide ways for me to encourage her as well. Amen.
Friday: A Prayer for Your Wife's Hopes, Dreams, and Desires
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4
Almighty God, You plant dreams in our hearts for a purpose and ask us to seek You with our deepest desires. Help me connect with my wife and discover what ignites her heart. Open up lines of communication and soften our hearts to listen to each other and talk about what we both want for our future. Please show us where we can serve You, Lord, with those passions, hopes, and dreams together. Amen.
Saturday: A Prayer for Her Overall Health
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 John 1:2
Heavenly Father, I lift my wife's health to You and place her mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health in Your healing hands. Offer her ways to bring hope and healing to the wounds she has acquired on this journey. Give me the awareness to pay close attention to subtle signs and notice when my wife needs rest or special care from me. Remind us that You are our ultimate healer and our source of peace and comfort. I love You, Almighty God. Amen.
Well, there you have it. Prayers to cover your dear wife every day of the week. Use these as a starting point and then tailor them to fit the needs of your sweet wife and family. May God equip you to be the man she needs you to be, so your marriage will flourish and thrive.
See also: 7 Powerful Prayers for Your Husband