Church should be the place where we feel the most welcome, the most loved, the most accepted, and the most deeply connected. It is full of people who love the Lord and want to serve Him and share His love with others. However, sometimes it’s one of the places that we feel the most disconnected.
Many of us slide into church as the worship band starts, only greet the family or friends that we came with, and leave as soon as the service is over. Building our church community requires a little effort on our part. Community doesn’t just happen on its own.
If you long for a deeper and richer relationship with your church family, there are some simple ways that you can quickly build community within your church.
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10 Ideas to Quickly Build Community in Your Church
1: Get to church early and say hello.
One of the easiest ways to begin to build community within your church is to just show up a little earlier. Mingle with the people in the hallways and in the worship center. Say hello to the people you walk past every day. Be intentional about creating connection with the people you see.
2: Stop by for the donuts and coffee.
Most churches have coffee or donuts available in the welcome area. Stop by and grab some. Visit with the people there. Make an effort to introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met before. Also make an effort to reconnect with someone you do know. These areas are hubs for community building.
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3: Linger after the service.
Instead of leaving as soon as you are dismissed, turn and say hello to someone seated around you. Chat about the message or ask about their week. Slow down a bit and take some time to connect before you leave.
4: Join a Sunday school class or small group.
This is one of the best ways to build community in your church. Each time you meet together, you will be building relationships and getting more and more familiar with the people in your class or group. If you don’t attend Sunday school or small group, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful tools for deeper and more meaningful community.
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5: Find a way to serve on a Sunday morning.
You have a talent that your church needs. We are all a part of the body and we’ve been given gifts by God to help the body do what it is called to do. Maybe you belong on the worship team, on the parking lot team, or at a door greeting all who attend. Possibly you’d be a great help in the nursery, children’s department, or youth. There is a place you’ve been designed to serve and there are amazing people there that you can get to know.
6: Get to know your church staff.
Your church staff are people who love the church and its’ members. They care about you and want to be in community with you. Make an effort to connect with them. They are also a great resource for other ways to get connected.
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7: Meet the people who serve at your church.
Say hello and introduce yourself to the parking lot attendants, door greeters, and the people who care for your children. Thank the worship team or the people who pass out the programs. These people want you to feel welcome and cared for, that’s part of the reason they serve. Take a moment to strike up a conversation with them.
8: Sit in a different place each week and meet the people around you.
Instead of sitting in the same spot surrounded by the same people each week, move around the worship center. Each week pick a new location and say hello and introduce yourself to the people sitting around you. You will be surprised by how quickly you will begin to familiarize yourself with your church family by simply moving around a bit.
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9: Check the website or bulletin for events and attend one.
Your church probably hosts all kinds of events and activities to help its members connect with one another. Look on the website or in the church bulletin and find an event to attend. This is a great way to get to know people on a deeper level.
10: Help with one of the church’s community service projects.
Working alongside someone is a wonderful way to build community. Ask about your church’s community service projects and find one that you can help with. You will be serving others while you build your community. It is a win win.
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Reminder: Be Willing to Do Your Part
You don’t have to feel disconnected at church. Church should be a place where we feel surrounded by love, acceptance, and community. That doesn’t just happen, though. We have to be willing to do our part to build community.
The body of believers is incredibly beautiful. It can be a powerful place of deep connection, a place where growth and accountability is fostered, and another family that loves, supports, and encourages you in your life and in your faith journey. By taking a few simple steps to connect, you can find the church community you long for.
Bobbie Schaeperkoetter is a writer, speaker, community builder, and an encourager of women at http://www.bobbieschae.com. She’s passionate about connecting women to Jesus, to one another, and to the Body of believers. You can connect with Bobbie through her website or on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/bobbieschae or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/bobbieschae.
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Rawpixel
Originally published Thursday, 21 November 2019.