They say it takes a village to raise a child, and your child’s school is no different. So many times, we only think about our children’s teachers and the impact they have on them. Still, there are so many other people our children come in contact with that enrich their lives on campus. Principals, school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, guidance counselors, etc. These people have one of the best jobs in the world but also one of the hardest. Let’s remember to pray for not only our teachers but our school staff this year, asking that God bless them with his presence, wisdom, and love.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/monkeybusinessimages

1. Prayer for Our Teachers
Our teachers work very hard throughout the school year to teach our kids and make learning fun. From preschool years through high school, their ability to command a classroom and keep the attention of our kids is no small feat. Let’s pray that our teachers have a fun and successful year.
Dear Lord,
I pray over the teachers at every school across the nation this year. Give them the strength and courage they need to command the classroom. I pray you will give them peace and comfort in the scary climate we live in with school violence and shootings. I ask that you send your angels to surround and protect them as they go to and from school and all throughout the day. Give them your guidance and discernment to be their best for their colleagues and our children. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Wave Break Media

2. Prayer for Our Principals and Directors
Being the head of a school is no small task. As a parent, we always hope the principal will never call us about our children. Instead, we should be thankful that there are people who want to be the head of our schools, making sure things run smoothly for the school staff and children. This goes for our principals and daycare directors.
Dear Lord,
I pray for our principal this year. Grant them the discernment to make excellent decisions and the courage to lead others. I also pray for the directors at my youngest child’s daycare. I thank you that they love being around little ones and strive to hire the best for my babies. Please help everyone have a successful year. In your name, I pray. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images

3. Prayer for Our Bus Drivers
Where would we be without our bus drivers? Sure, it can get crazy getting ready, but when it comes down to it, they are our lifesavers in the morning. We should be thankful there are people who want to drive that big, yellow bus and who love our kids. Our bus drivers are a very important part of the school year.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for our school bus drivers. There is no way I could drive that big, yellow bus around town. Please be with our bus drivers this year as they transport our kids. Help them be cautious and alert at all times and to be extra cautious in bad weather. Send your angels to protect them from accidents. In your name, I pray. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/sandsun

4. Prayer for Our Crossing Guards
Crossing guards are an integral part of our school year. They direct traffic, protect our kids, and, in a way, put their lives on the line every day. Being outside and directing traffic is a selfless thing.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for our crossing guards. They put their lives on the line every day when we are coming to and from school. Please protect them this school year from accidents, accidental misjudgment, and miscommunication. Give them clarity when communicating with each other and our children. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Anwaar Ali

5. Prayer for Our Cafeteria Workers
Our kids' day wouldn't be complete without our cafeteria workers who cook for them during lunchtime. We should be thankful for these women and men who cook for our children every day, providing the nutrition they need to keep their minds alert and ready to learn.
Dear Lord,
I pray for our cafeteria workers this year. Please shield them from any accidents, burns, or other kitchen calamities. Thank you for providing people to cook for my children. I ask that they consider the best quality meals for our children while properly taking care of themselves throughout the busy day. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Halfpoint

6. Prayer for Our Guidance Counselors
Our guidance counselors are the ones our children go to when they have a problem at school. They aren’t a substitute for parents by any means, but it may be easier for kids to talk to them because they are at school all the time and are familiar with things that go on. Talking to and guiding our children is no small feat. We should be thankful for these wonderful people who want to help our kids.
Dear Lord,
I pray for our guidance counselors and thank you that they have a heart for our children. I ask that you give them clarity and discernment when giving our children help and advice. Bless them in their conversations with teachers and parents, and grant everyone the heart to listen and respond with what's best for our children. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/lorenzoantonucci

7. Prayer for Our Janitors
Janitors are the ones who keep our schools clean and also clean up after our kids. They get to know our kids and sometimes act as friends, brothers, and father figures. We can never underestimate the value they bring to our schools.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for our janitors and all the hard work they do. I pray they have a good school year this year and are granted opportunities to show students what it truly means to serve others. Though they are often overlooked, I pray they are compensated fairly in both wages and respect. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Ron Lach

8. Prayer for Our Special Education Teachers
Our special ed teachers are heroes to our kids with special needs and learning disabilities. Without these amazingly gifted teachers, our children wouldn’t be able to attend school and feel as respected and valued as any other student.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for our special education teachers. You have blessed each and every one of them with a gift to teach in a way that our children understand. They are our children’s teachers, heroes, and best friends. I pray they will all have a successful school year. Please help all our kids to have a successful school year under their compassionate care. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Den Kuvaiev

9. Prayer for Our Coaches
The coaches of our football, basketball, and other sports teams put in a lot of hours and hard work with our kids. It’s easy to get wrapped up in how the kids are playing, but the person we should thank is their coach. Often, they not only teach our children the mechanics of the sport, but they teach them what it means to play fair, work hard, and accept outcomes with a positive attitude.
Dear Lord,
I pray over the (sport name) coach this year. Help him or her to teach our kids responsibility, integrity, respect, and good sportsmanship. Send them your encouragement no matter how this season turns out. In your name, I pray. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Mike Powell

10. Prayer for Our Support Staff
People easily overlook the support staff at our schools. These are our librarians, receptionists, teacher’s aides, paraprofessionals, nurses, etc. These people work behind the scenes to make sure things are running smoothly for our teachers and our kids every day.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the support staff at our school. It’s very easy to overlook these important people who help make our schools a success every day. I thank you for the librarian who helps my kids find the books they need, the nurse who is there when they get sick, and the receptionists who stay on top of all the records and paperwork. I also thank you for everyone else who works in a supporting role. May they feel seen, valued, and appreciated this year. In your name, I pray. Amen.
There are so many people in our schools who make our lives easier and our kids' lives safer. The next time the bus comes and you’re at the bus stop, thank the bus driver. If the school calls and your child is sick, thank the nurse for taking care of your child until you get there. The next time you see the principal, thank him or her for all their hard work. It will make a world of difference to them and make their day brighter.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/paylessimages
Originally published Thursday, 08 August 2024.