Social media seems to be here to stay, and for many reasons, I’m really glad it is. I’ll be the first to say that I love reading a motivating Facebook post, checking the status of a friend’s prayer request, seeing pictures of my friends and family, checking out what my favorite musician got for Christmas, or just watching a YouTube video on the latest makeup trends.
As fun as social media and the internet is, we all know within our own hearts what is healthy for us and when we may be getting a little too deep into the online world. If you’re interested in taking a break from social media for a month, a week, or even just a day, here are some helpful signs that it might be a good decision for you!
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1. You Want a Fresh Start
I love a new year! It is a great feeling to be able to set aside the past and begin preparing for what you would like your new year to look like. For some, taking a step away from social media may help to give you a clear mind and sure footing equipping you to think and dream big without the static of the social media world. Who knows what God may be trying to tell you if He can get more of your undivided attention for a moment.
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2. You Want to Get Closer to Jesus
Being online does not take you further from God’s reach, but sometimes our mind, habits, and thought life can become more influenced by what other people think and do than what Jesus said and did here on Earth. Do you need a little alone time with Jesus to reconnect? This may be the perfect time at the new year to clean out that extra space for your prayer closet or begin setting the alarm 15 minutes earlier for some devotional time instead of the usual early morning Facebook check-in.
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:6
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3. You Are Not Yourself
Not long ago I noticed that I wasn’t as productive with my writing as I once had been. Sure, we all go through stages or have “writer’s block” but my block wasn’t a word bubble but a slight addiction to YouTube. Fashion trends, makeup tips, what someone bought at the latest sale- these were the videos I would get sucked into and before I knew it 2 hours had gone by and that blog post would still be unwritten. You may be good at delegating time to your to-dos but taking a little sabbatical from a time draining online pastime can only give you more time in your day.
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4. When Other’s Opinions Mean Too Much
During the past couple of years, I have noticed a growing brashness in online posts. With the new world of online trolls and hiding behind a screen, many speak boldly and cut to the core of their message without politeness and tact. Many online conversationalists only see their side and can’t have a constructive conversation. Due to sensing my own self getting frustrated with some posts over the years, and having access to it from the touch of my finger, I took the liberty of deleting some social media apps off of my phone for peace of mind. And you know what, I don’t miss it!
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3
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5. It’s Your Friend
Social media is a good thing because it connects us with those we are friends with or have interests in common with; however, if you think of your interactions with the online community as your closest connections, it may be time to take a break. There is so much to say for online support and there are wonderful people that are online, but it should not take 100% of the place of in person friendships and relationships. Eye contact, laughter, tears, accountability, visits, hospitality…these are all things that we miss online. We were made for interpersonal interaction, don’t forget!
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6. If You Feel Alone
It’s true that looking at videos and pictures of other people’s lives can help someone to not feel quite as alone, but it can also do the opposite too. If you leave Facebook feeling left out or less than, logout and remind yourself that you are loved and in His good hands. He is always with us and wants to be a part of our doing as well as our being.
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelation 3:20
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7. Your Fingers Are Actually Hurting
This one is more humorous than anything but it really is something I have experienced. When I first entered the online dating world I noticed that my right thumb was actually starting to hurt a couple of days in because I was swiping so much. The last thing I want is to get arthritis or carpal tunnel from a dating app on my phone so I take long breaks for the sake of my own mind and finger health.
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8. When You’d Rather Stay at Home, Especially for Church
If you go to a large church, it can be easy to feel lost in the shuffle and maybe only see 1-2 people you know. Because of the animosity in a large church, it can be more tempting to sleep in and watch church online. While online church is a fabulous option for many, if you are able bodied and can get to your local church, you should try to make it there in person. Volunteering is a great way to be held accountable to be there in person too. There is nothing like giving, praying, praising, and learning with fellow believers!
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”” Matthew 18:20
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9. It’s Taking a Financial Toll
I love a good infomercial and have been known to buy the latest gadget after seeing it advertised 100 times on the television and Internet. I believe that Facebook has a way of figuring out the things I’ve been looking at on Amazon and ever so subtly placing those advertisements on my newsfeed. Have you noticed this? If you are making a resolution to budget, give more, or just watch your spending this year, taking a small break from the possibility of temptation may be a good choice for you…and your wallet.
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10. You Forget Your Blessings
It has become easier to take a picture of a fun moment or write about an accomplishment you’ve had on social media. This may be quicker than keeping a photo album or journal, for many. Unfortunately, I have found that it is easier for me to forget about what happens day to day because my recording of the event was so quick and easy. Over the past two years I have been keeping a journal of my prayer requests and blessings at the end of every month. Yes, it takes time and only my eyes see it, but it is a tangible reminder of all God has done for me. It’s also a great way to read over the ways God has taken care of me at the end of every year!
“Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.” Psa 21:6
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Mandy Smith is a joyful 30-something single living in GA. She is a full-time Speech-Language Pathologist. Her loves include Jesus, her family and friends, creativity, playing guitar and singing, coffee, laughing, and of course, writing! You can read more of her writing on her website www.myjoyousheart.com and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Originally published Friday, 05 January 2018.