We all get hit at times with the “tireds.” Tired of school, ministry, parenting, people — tired of everything. Sometimes rest just doesn’t come when we need it; often, a night’s sleep won’t cure what ails us. What we need is prayer — fervent prayer — our best offense and defense during every season of life.
People can get dicey, even snarky when they’re tired. As Christians, that smacks of disobedience because:
1. We are commanded to rest (Exodus 20:8-10)
2. We are to treat others as more significant than ourselves (Philippians 2:3)
3. We are to do to others as we wish they would do to us (Matthew 7:12).
While fatigue is not our preference, our circumstances can lead to this unwanted affliction.
Following are 12 prayers for those of you dealing with personal weariness, along with twelve corresponding prayers to offer on a weary person’s behalf, and Scripture to pray back to God.
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1. Disease Fatigue
Father God,
I’m so very tired as I go through this illness. I’m tired OF it and need some relief, Lord. I’m humbled You hear my prayers and I ask you to see me through this difficult season of life. Whether you bring me past it or carry me home, I will praise You. Yet I do pray for Your healing touch to remove my fatigue so I may serve You even in the midst of this.
My beloved friend (Mom, sister, Dad, etc.) is being stretched almost beyond her limits. She’s so tired and needs to rest. I pray You would give here sweet, dreamless sleep, couched in the knowledge her life is in Your mighty hands. I pray most of all she rests in You, her Lord and Savior.
Scripture to pray back to God: Psalm 131:1-2
I don’t think too much of myself. I think much of You! That makes my soul calm and quiet.
2. Pastoral Fatigue
It is my greatest joy and privilege to serve You in ministry. Who am I that You chose me for such a role? I’m humbled. But Lord, I’m also tired — bone-tired right now and I need You to infuse me with renewed energy and focus.
Father God,
My pastor has been working so hard tending and loving this flock You’ve given him. I pray, dear Lord, You would renew him and give him the energy and focus he needs to bring You glory as he serves You and us.
Scripture to pray back to God: Deuteronomy 5:13-14a
I get so immersed in ministry I forget Your command to rest. You told us our work is to take place in six days and then we are to take a day of rest. Help me to honor You with my rest.
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3. Labor Fatigue
Lord God,
I love the work You’ve given me to do, but I am worn out. I need a vacation but that’s not coming anytime soon. Please help me as I seek to do my work as unto You. Give me energy and joy.
Father God in heaven,
My friend is such a sturdy, loyal employee. But he’s been working so hard he’s drained and is in danger of discouragement. Please help him get good rest when his shifts end. Keep him alert and safe on the road to and from work and while he is there.
Scripture to pray back to God: Isaiah 40:31
I am waiting for You alone to renew my strength, Lord. You will lift me as an eagle flies. With Your strength, I can run and not be weary, and I can continue the walk You set for me and not be faint.
4. Parental Fatigue
No one said being a parent was going to be easy, but I expected at least a little rest. I want to be a good parent, but I’m tired and need to get a full night’s sleep. I worry if I don’t I may be impatient or short-tempered. Help me, I pray.
Lord God,
My friend is doing such a great job at parenting but I fear she is getting no rest. Please help her not to worry about the little things that may be out of order in her house. Those things will wait until she gets some sleep. Help her rest well, Father.
Scripture to pray back to God: Matthew 11:28-30
Lord Jesus,
I am coming to You heavy laden. I need rest as only You can give. I am leaning into You and I know Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.
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5. School Fatigue
Ah, Lord.
School is wearing me thin. All my studies are taking so much time and I haven’t rested well. Please help me get done what needs to be done and don’t let me waste time with distractions. Help me rest. I give You all the praise.
Lord God,
My friend is pushing so hard to do well at her studies she is missing the great rest You tell us to enjoy. Help her prioritize and focus on what matters.
Scripture to pray back to God: Isaiah 41:10
I don’t fear anything, knowing You are with me. I won’t be dismayed because You are my God. I know You will strengthen me, help me, and hold me up with Your righteous right hand.
6. Grief Fatigue
O, Lord,
I’m so very tired. So tired I cannot even sleep because my fatigue and grief is so deep. I cry and cry and get no relief. Will you hear my prayers and give me Your blessing to rest? Through it all, I praise You.
My friend can’t sleep from crying over her loss. It’s been three months now, and the pain of death still lingers in her spirit. Please bring her Your peace-filled rest, that she may rest in You and Your kindness, knowing her beloved is with You.
Scripture to pray back to God: Revelation 21:4
Lord God,
I know one day You will wipe every single tear from my eyes, and You have promised there will be no more death. I can’t wait, Lord! I can’t wait! I won’t need to cry anymore or feel any sort of pain. I praise You for the promise to come; You’re going to make everything new, including me! Thank You, Lord.
Photo credit: Unsplash/Alex Jones

7. Prayer Requests Fatigue
Father God,
I can’t keep up with all the prayer requests people are sending to me. I feel guilty if I don’t pray for every single one, but I am so tired I forget. If I groan, I know You will understand my emotions and desire to lift all these requests to You.
Lord God,
My dear friend is beside herself with all the people asking her to pray for their needs. Please help her with good rest and take away any guilt she might feel if she forgets to come before You with some needs. You know exactly what we all need and when. I pray she will rest in that truth.
Scripture to pray back to God: Romans 8:26
I know Your Holy Spirit knows what I can’t put into words. I don’t know how to pray for all these people and I’m exhausted. You know my heart, please take what isn’t coming out of my mouth and please help.
8. Insomnia Fatigue
Lord Jesus,
I can’t rest. I can’t sleep because my mind won’t turn off! I turn to worry and dread and I know that’s not what I’m called to do. You’ve told us to not be anxious, and You’ve left Your peace with us. Help me sleep, knowing You love me and care for everything about me.
Please help my friend to get some pure, restful sleep. She’s been without it for a while and she is having a hard time functioning throughout the days. Help her to rest in You and in Your promises.
Scripture to pray back to God: Psalm 4:8
Help me to lie down and sleep in peace because You alone bring me safely through every night.
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9. Children’s Fatigue
Lord Jesus,
Help me as I lay down to sleep. I want to make Mom and Dad happy and I’m worried I didn’t do all my chores today. I just forget. Help me remember so I can please them.
My child is tired from her day. She’s such a good girl and she tries to do too much. Help her rest in You and wake full of joy.
Scripture to pray back to God: Psalm 23:2
Lord Jesus,
You make me lie down in green pastures and You lead me beside still waters.
Thank You!
10. Spiritual Fatigue
I so love You and Your Word. I long to serve You in every way You have gifted me, but right now I am fighting battles against complacency and despair. I want purity in my worship without the weariness of spiritual battles. You are victorious, and I walk in Your presence. Protect me and give me rest.
Lord Jesus,
Please help my friend with the fatigue she is fighting as she combats theses spiritual battles with her full armor, won by Jesus. Help her hold her shield of faith high so she may extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one and get sweet rest in You.
Scripture to pray back to God: Exodus 33:14
I know Your presence will go with me, and You will give me rest.
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11. Missionary’s Fatigue
When will You move in the hearts of the people here who don’t know You as Savior and Lord? Will You help me rest in You as I strive toward a holy life, and to be an excellent ambassador?
Almighty Father,
My missionary friend is so wearied. We are praying for You to move mightily in the hearts of the people where he is ministering, but so far, the people seem unmoved. Our ways are not Yours, however, and I pray as he does kingdom work, You will keep him from falling into despair. Give him rest in You, Lord, I pray.
Scripture to pray back to God: Psalm 46:10
Help me to be still and acknowledge You as God! I praise You and know You will be honored throughout the world, in Your perfect time!
12. Busyness Fatigue
Lord God,
I feel like I’m running up a down escalator. I’m not getting anywhere even though I am busy all the time. And I’m weary. Will You give me rest, my Savior? Help me to not get caught up anymore in busy work. Instead, help me sort and prioritize my work in light of kingdom productivity.
I can’t get my friend to slow down long enough to enjoy a cup of coffee with me. She’s busy to distraction. She says she’s too busy to spend much time with You in Your Word, and that’s not good at all. Calm her and bring her to a godly stewardship of the time You give her. Help her rest in Your Word.
Scripture to pray back to God: Matthew 6:33
Help me to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and You will give me everything I need!
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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/himarkley
Originally published Tuesday, 14 May 2024.