5 Ways to Share the Gospel This Christmas

Vivian Bricker

Contributing Writer
Updated Dec 11, 2023
5 Ways to Share the Gospel This Christmas

Christmas is the perfect time to share the Gospel message with others. Christmas is the anniversary of Jesus’ advent into the world; therefore, it is the best time to bring up Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Unlike other holidays, Christmas is solely focused on Jesus. Easter is also a good time to bring up the Gospel message since it is the anniversary of the Lord’s resurrection; however, Christmas is a different holiday in the sense that it tends to make people more friendly toward each other and possibly more receptive to receiving the Gospel.

Sharing the message of the Lord does not have to be difficult, nor does it have to be something that stresses you out. Instead, it should be something you look forward to and something that brings you great joy. If you are looking for a few creative ways to share the Gospel this Christmas, look no further. 

Here are five ways you can share the Gospel this Christmas:

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Couple and friends decorating for hosting Christmas party dinner

1. Casually Bring Up Jesus at a Holiday Event

Casually bringing up Jesus at a holiday event is one way to share the Gospel this Christmas. Think about a few people you know who will be at your holiday get-togethers this year. Since you are attending the same Christmas function as they are, it can be assumed that you have a relationship with the person. Since you already have a relationship with this person, you can share the message of Jesus with them.

It's important to have a trusting relationship with the person before you share the Gospel with them. However, don’t be pushy or try to make them accept Christ. Only they can accept Christ, and it is best to be calm, focused, and relaxed when you share the Gospel.

Even if they don’t accept Jesus right away, know that you have planted the seed and God will help it grow. It can be hard to be content with just this, but it is important to trust God with the outcome. The Lord wants all people to come to know Him, including your loved ones at the Christmas event. On your part, continue to share truths about Jesus and encourage them in the Lord. Give them time and patiently wait on the Lord

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Decorating a Wreath for Christmas and Advent

2. Lead a Christmas-themed Craft

A second way to share the Gospel this Christmas is to lead a Christmas-themed craft. Christmas crafts can be a lot of fun and lighten the mood of anybody’s day, whether you host a Christmas craft with friends or offer to lead one at the local library or recreation center. This can be a great way to open up the Gospel message with people who are often quiet and intimidated by one-on-one conversation, or those you might not have otherwise known. When you are working on your Christmas craft and helping others make their own, you can start talking about the true meaning of Christmas.

It could be that you have children participate, but crafts are fun for everyone, and adults might be interested in joining in once they hear you talking about Jesus too. Whether you have only children or a mixed-aged group, you can share the true meaning of Jesus as everyone is working on their crafts. Don’t underestimate how something like this can get a person to think more about Jesus and eternal matters.

Maybe they won’t place faith in Jesus by the time they finish their craft, but it could get them to be more curious about Jesus. Having a conversation about Jesus in a relaxed setting, such as when you are doing a craft, could make everyone feel more calm and open to asking questions. Even if nobody asks any questions, know that you are doing great things for the Lord by sharing the Gospel. Sharing the Gospel is what you should do as a Christian; however, know that you cannot make anyone place faith in Jesus. This is their own choice and their own decision. 

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christmas eve prayers

3. Share a Christmas Social Media Post

Sharing a Christmas social media post is a third way to showcase the Gospel this Christmas season. While many people might not think this is an effective way to share the Gospel, we don’t need to underestimate the difference it can make in someone’s day. You most likely have friends on social media or followers who are not Christians. It might be because they believe in another religion or faith system. Sharing the true meaning of Christmas on social media through a written post or a video could be a great way to share the Gospel with them.

Social media shouldn’t be the only way we share the Gospel; however, we don’t need to overlook its impact. Social media gives us the capacity to connect with others in ways that previous generations could not. If you struggle with social anxiety like I do, this can also be a great way to share the Gospel without having to interact with people in person. Writing the true meaning of Christmas and sharing the Gospel in the process can truly help brighten many people’s Christmases. It might even be the door-opener to them coming to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. 

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christmas bible verses, holiday scriptures, christmas verses

4. Include the Gospel in Your Christmas Cards

A fourth way to share the Gospel this Christmas is to include the true meaning of the holiday in your Christmas cards. Most families and individuals send out Christmas cards each year. If you want to share the Gospel this Christmas, including the Gospel in your Christmas cards can be a great way to do this. If you include a family Christmas photo with your card, write down a personal message on the opposite side of the card, and in your personal message, share the Gospel.

You can either individually write out each card or you could type it out and make copies to insert into the card. The former would be more personal and more connective to your loved ones; however, the latter is still a great choice if you are short on time. The main goal is to share the Gospel in your Christmas cards, and you cannot do this apart from personally including the message of the Lord Jesus in the written word inside your Christmas cards. Try to include the Gospel in your Christmas cards this year and see if it will help more people in your family as well as friend groups become more interested in learning about Jesus. 

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5. Pray for Opportunities to Share the Gospel

Praying for opportunities to share the Gospel is a fifth way to share the Gospel this upcoming Christmas season. While this is not technically a “way” to share the Gospel, it is very important to have opportunities to share the Gospel. You can try all of these different ideas to share the Gospel; however, you must pray ahead of time. It is important for you to pray for opportunities to share the Gospel as well as pray for the people you talk with to be open to hearing the message of the Gospel. God is the One who draws people to Him, and we need to pray for Him to open the hearts of the lost for them to come to place faith in His Son, Jesus.

Keep praying throughout the Christmas season for more opportunities to share the Gospel. Through going to holiday events and participating in other special holiday activities, you will have many opportunities to share the Gospel. Ask the Lord to give you strength as you are sharing the Gospel and ask Him to equip you with the words you need to say. Sharing the Gospel can be scary and nerve-wracking at times, yet it is well worth it to know you are helping more people hear about Jesus. The entire Christmas holiday is the anniversary of Jesus’ birth into the world, and sharing the Gospel this time of year is the perfect time to help more people come to know the Lord. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Winyuu

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: https://cultivatechristianity.wordpress.com/

Originally published Monday, 11 December 2023.