During the wintertime, we are more prone to getting sick. After all, it's called "flu and cold season" for a reason. As I am writing this article, I am sick with an upper respiratory infection as is the rest of my family. If you are also going through an illness, you understand how draining it can be to try to continue your activities of daily living while still being sick. For many of us, sick days are unbearable because we hate to be sick. Other people enjoy sick days because they can take a break from regular, everyday life.
Whether you fall in the spectrum of the former or the latter, most of us do not like being sick. The days off can be appreciated, but being sick is no fun. The best way to prevent getting sick is by taking precautions.
If you are trying to avoid being sick this year, here are five ways to stay healthy this winter:
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1. Stay Updated on Vaccines
While there are many different opinions surrounding vaccines, a great way to prevent yourself from getting sick this winter is to get updated on your vaccines. This can include your flu, pneumonia, and RSV vaccines. It would also be beneficial to get updated on your TDAP shot to protect yourself from further illnesses. By getting updated on your vaccines, you are helping to prevent yourself from getting sick this winter.
It is true that getting a vaccine will not totally protect you, but it can make the illness or virus less severe if you do get contaminated by it. Even if you do not end up needing the shot, it will still give you peace of mind to know that you are being protected from the illnesses going around. Do your best to get updated on your vaccines, and it will help you stay healthy this winter. Shots can be scary for many people but try to remember the truth that these shots are going to help you. It might hurt for a second, but it will help for an entire season.
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2. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is another way to stay healthy this winter. Drinking plenty of water can help you fight off many common colds and viruses. When you stay hydrated, your entire body stays healthy. While sodas, sweet tea, and coffee are all nice beverages, they cannot hydrate you, but water can hydrate you and provide your body with the liquids that it needs. Water will be able to flush out bad toxins and keep your body safe from illnesses.
If you are already sick, try to stay hydrated too. Your doctor might tell you that you need even more liquids to keep up your fluids. Normally, we are supposed to drink 8-10 cups of water a day; however, you will need to drink more water if your body is fighting off a virus. Other ways to get hydration are through soup, broth, vegetables, and fruits. All of these things can also hydrate you and help your body get well.
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3. Get Plenty of Rest
A third way to stay healthy this winter is to get plenty of rest. With the days being shorter, it is a great excuse to get to bed earlier each night, especially if you have to be at work early in the morning. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep a night. If you get eight hours of sleep a night, your body will be less prone to getting sick and be able to fight off any potential viruses.
If you are not getting enough sleep, your body will have a weakened immune system. Not only will a lack of sleep give you a weakened immune system, but it will also cause you to feel more anxious, more tired throughout the day, and more short-tempered. It is in your best interest to ensure you are getting plenty of sleep every night. We are all humans and we all need sleep. Many people believe they are too busy or don’t have enough time to get eight hours of sleep, and this is understandable; however, you have to prioritize your health.
You don’t need to watch an extra episode of the show you’ve been watching all night and you don’t need to scroll endlessly over your social media feed. Create a sleep routine that works for you and keep with it. Establish a time you wake up each morning and a time to go to sleep. Ensure there are eight hours of sleep. Don’t only allow yourself five or six hours of sleep. This will lead to sleep deprivation in the long run and give you more problems than just getting sick with a cold or flu virus.
Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to heart disease and other serious conditions. Go ahead and start today with the practice of prioritizing sleep. You will quickly notice how much better you feel once you have a proper sleep schedule and are getting adequate rest. Sleep is part of your overall health which means we need to prioritize it to stay healthy.
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4. Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands regularly is a fourth way to stay healthy this winter. As someone with OCD contamination type, I tend to wash my hands too much due to unwanted compulsions. Even though this is a compulsion I have, it is important to wash your hands regularly to keep you and your loved ones healthy this winter. Before you cook, after you clean, after using the restroom, after being out in public, after sneezing, and after coughing are all times when you need to wash your hands. Make sure you are using an antibacterial soap to wash away most of the germs.
It is also important to remember that if you are out in public you do not touch your face, nose, or mouth until you have washed your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap. If you touch any part of your face before washing your hands, it could cause a respiratory illness or another virus. Wait until you are home, wash your hands, and then you will be able to wipe out your eyes, blow your nose, or scratch your face.
Regular hand washing can cut back on the spread of viruses as well as protect us from them. Aim to wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap for at least 20-30 seconds. This is the equivalent of singing Happy Birthday to yourself twice. After you have washed your hands, use a disposable paper towel or a hand towel to dry your hands. While this might sound time-consuming, it really is not. In total, it will take you less than a minute and it will properly protect you and your loved ones from the days it takes to recover from a contagious virus.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/MargoeEdwards

5. Eat Healthy Foods
A fifth way to stay healthy this winter is to eat healthy foods. Healthy foods, such as whole wheat bread, vegetables, fruits, and protein, can all protect you from getting sick this winter. Healthy foods will help boost your immune system and help you be more proactive in fighting illnesses. Many of us think healthy foods are “boring” or “not tasty,” but this isn’t true. There are delicious foods you can have this winter that will help you stay healthy. All it takes is a quick internet search for some inspiration!
In addition to eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise will also help your overall well-being. It can be difficult to get out during the winter, but there are many ways you can stay active during the colder months. Try to go out for a walk in the heat of the day, play with your kids outside, or try an at-home workout. Whatever you choose, it will be sure to boost your immunity as well as your mood.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Povozniuk
Originally published Thursday, 25 January 2024.