6 Creative Journaling Prompts to Encourage Your Spirit

Updated Oct 10, 2024
6 Creative Journaling Prompts to Encourage Your Spirit

In a season of high anxiety, global wars, and political uncertainty, it's easy to become overwhelmed, discouraged, and disillusioned. With daily individual demands and ongoing worldwide challenges, our minds are often overloaded with thoughts, to-do lists, and feelings of hopelessness. While we desire to remain hopeful, it is easy to become discouraged. Whenever my mind is on overload or I'm feeling out of control, I pause to connect with God to receive His peace. 

Journaling has always helped me share my unfiltered thoughts with God, and God always speaks. When I don't have the words to say verbally, writing has always lifted my spirit and soothed my soul. I have journals from years ago that I read and remember how God has answered prayers, gaining confirmation that God was always with me. 

When you feel discouraged with your circumstances or try to process the world's massive challenges, God's Word says don't lose heart. Be encouraged that God is with you and wants to strengthen and uplift your spirit. 

Here are six creative journaling prompts to encourage your spirit:

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joy heart thanksgiving

1. What Brings You Joy in This Season?

Journaling about what brings you joy in this season is a wonderful way to encourage and uplift your spirit. Nehemiah 8:10 states, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” During challenging times, it’s easy to lose sight of the joy available to us through Christ. Take some time to write down two or three things that bring you joy during this season to help strengthen and encourage your soul. 

When you need a reminder of God’s presence and hope, recall and reflect in your journal on what brings you joy and give God praise. Reflecting on what brings me joy revitalizes my spirit, realigns my perspective, and helps me to move forward when I’m anxious. Choosing to have joy isn’t dependent on our circumstances always being perfect, but it’s a decision to have joy to persevere. Being joyful also helps shift our focus from the daunting issues we face. Amidst feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, I invite you to continue to choose joy.

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thankful grateful thanksgiving fall autumn worship happy content

2. What Are You Grateful to God For?

Giving thanks to God and cultivating an ongoing heart of gratitude is another powerful way to encourage your spirit. Psalm 118:1 says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Journaling what I’m thankful for always encourages my spirit and lightens my mood. When I'm complaining or trying to operate in my own strength, giving thanks to God reminds me that I am not alone. It helps keep my mind on God’s ultimate sovereignty, His faithfulness, and reminder of God’s ongoing provision in my life. 

Often, when we are in the middle of a challenging season or feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to want to wallow in pity or stay disconnected. When we take the time to write down what we’re thankful to God for, it’s an act of worship and helps us turn our attention toward God. Giving thanks also helps us counter negative attitudes, feelings, and thoughts that arise daily. Today, I invite you to continue to give thanks to God to keep you encouraged and keep a record of God’s provision.

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family vacation at the beach

3. What Are You Looking Forward to in the Next Few Months?

To encourage your spirit, you can journal about something you are looking forward to or are excited about in the next few months. It can be an upcoming trip, birthday, holiday celebration, or some much-needed rest. You can also write about someone you’re looking forward to seeing, a new opportunity, or you can journal about something you are praying for to happen in the future. 

In addition to helping revive and revitalize your spirit, eagerly anticipating something exciting helps to break up the mundane routine that life brings. Journaling allows you to be creative, listen to God, share what’s on your heart, and pray to God for wisdom. There is no set way to journal, so I invite you to be creative and dream together with God.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Kevin Delvecchio

Couple serving together volunteering mission work

4. Who Can You Serve?

Serving others in need is another amazing way to encourage your spirit. I invite you to write down places where you can serve or write down someone you know who is in need. When we serve, we not only represent God’s love, but it helps take our minds off our immediate situation. Often, when we are going through difficulties, it may seem like we are the only ones going through challenging times. However, when we serve and help support another person in need, we quickly realize that there are many people facing much more challenging circumstances. 

Many are suffering in silence and need to be reminded that they are not alone. Serving others represents being the hands and feet of Jesus but also provides an opportunity to listen and share your story with others. God can use you to minister and encourage others by sharing your testimony, and you can be encouraged as well by hearing their stories.

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5. Which Scripture Encourages Your Spirit?

5. Which Scripture Encourages Your Spirit?

Writing down my favorite scripture helps to encourage my spirit by providing me with the assurance of God’s presence, His unconditional love, comfort, and grace. Journal one or two of your favorite scriptures to encourage your spirit and cling to you when you are feeling overwhelmed. When we face challenging times, God’s Word comforts, guides, and strengthens us. 

Revisit your favorite verse often to sustain you when you need a boost. Psalm 119:105 states, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” When you need encouragement, comfort, or peace, write out your favorite verse, speak it out loud, say a prayer, or silently meditate on its meaning. Be creative in how you connect with God’s Word—the good news is that it will always be an encouraging source for all that you need. 

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Woman journaling

6. Can You Journal Outside to Disconnect from the Noise?

When I need encouragement, taking a walk to unplug, get fresh air, and decompress is one of the best ways to encourage my spirit. Walking provides us with physical exercise, mental restoration, and a greater spiritual connection with God through nature. You can take a prayer walk, listen to worship music, or journal outside and listen to God’s creation. Today, I invite you to disconnect from electronics and journal outdoors to listen to God more clearly, be revived, and let God reinvigorate your spirit. 

Continue to be encouraged and use these journaling prompts as a way to allow God to strengthen you during difficult seasons. Amidst our ongoing feelings of overwhelm, God is faithful and will always be there to help us overcome adversity. 

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/PeopleImages

Kirstyn Mayden headshotKirstyn Mayden is an author, certified ministry coach, and speaker whose mission is to help women in ministry recover from burnout. She is a wife and mom who loves Jesus with all her heart. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry roles serving with children, youth, and women. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day and Merciful Moments Activity Guide. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. Connect with Kirstyn at www.kirstynmayden.com.

Originally published Thursday, 10 October 2024.