7 Reminders When it Feels Like Jesus Is Asleep in Your Storm

Pamela Palmer

The account of Jesus asleep in the storm is found in Matthew’s Gospel. It is only a handful of verses in length, but it is a story that we can learn significant lessons from.

“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping” (Matthew 8:23-24).

Jesus may have been sleeping when the storm began, but the narrative ends in a powerful way with Jesus calming the storm. Here are seven lessons we learn from the story of Jesus sleeping in the storm.

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Why Is Jesus Asleep in the Storm?

Jesus had been healing numerous people, driving out evil spirits, and was surrounded by many crowds. The compassion and care Jesus had for the multitude of people was evident by all the miracles he had performed. It was then time for Jesus and his disciples to cross over to the other side of the lake away from the crowds of people, and that’s what Jesus commanded his disciples to do.

The disciples followed Jesus and got onto the boat. It is unknown which disciples were on the boat with Jesus since the biblical text does not give any names. What these disciples were not expecting was the very sudden change of weather. A dangerous and fierce storm came upon the lake. The storm was so ferocious that the disciples feared for their lives. We do not know how long the storm raged, but eventually, the disciples sought Jesus’ help.

“Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’” (Matthew 8:24-25).

One can only imagine how tired Jesus was after ministering to and healing the crowds, that he slept through such a vicious storm. The disciples woke him up anyway asking that he save them because they were going to perish.

“Jesus replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm” (Matthew 8:26).

A situation that caused the disciples to think they were going to die seemed to be no match for Jesus’ power and authority. Jesus displayed frustration with the disciples’ lack of faith, but then, he calmed the storm. The disciples were utterly amazed and in awe that the winds and the waves obeyed Him.

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7 Lessons from the Story of Jesus Asleep in the Boat

This amazing narrative in the Bible is one that inspires us to have a deeper faith and trust in God. Here are seven important lessons we can learn from this story.

1. Follow Jesus

It sounds easy enough, but following Jesus is not always our natural inclination, or going to result in the easy path. From this story, we learn to follow Jesus regardless. The disciples were captivated enough with Jesus to leave their homes, families, and work to simply follow him. Maybe it was hard or inconvenient for them to follow Jesus, or maybe he was their only hope.

Each of them chose to follow him into the boat, and even though they faced a fierce storm as a result of getting on the boat, they got to see the amazing power of Jesus when he calmed the storm. Every day we have the choice to follow Jesus or not – to be like him, to bear the fruit of the Spirit, and to make decisions in line with God’s word and the purpose he has for each of us.

Jesus invites us to follow him and be like him (See John 8:12). As a follower of Jesus, we will see his power and goodness in us and through us.

2. Challenges Are Inevitable

The storm that rolled upon the lake was sudden, and even with Jesus right there in the boat with them, the disciples still faced a storm they thought would take their lives. From this story we learn that the hardships and unexpected battles in life are inevitable. Even we as believers and followers of Jesus are going to encounter troubles (See John 16:33). We will endure opposition, hardship, and make mistakes. Sometimes, we are tempted to think that when we are going through tough situations, God must be punishing us.

What this story reveals is that the storm was not Jesus’ way of punishing the disciples. The troubles of life will come because we live in a fallen, broken world until Jesus’ return. This story teaches us that the challenges are inevitable, but we can put our hope in the Lord just as the disciples did when they finally called out to him.

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3. God Is with You

Even though we are guaranteed to face less than desirable or painful situations in life, this story teaches us that God is with us. Jesus did not get off the boat and abandon his disciples; he was with them the entire time.

We sometimes feel alone when things get tough. We wonder if God has left us on our own to fend and fight for ourselves. Scripture reminds us time and time again that God is always with us. He does not leave us nor forsake us (See Deuteronomy 31:8). We can put our trust in Him because God is faithful and does not break his promises (See Hebrews 6:18). He is with you always.

4. Call Out to Jesus

This story invites us as followers of Jesus to call out to him. We do not know how long the storm raged, but it was long enough for the disciples to believe they were going to perish in the storm. They finally did the right thing and called out to Jesus for help.

When you are going through circumstances that seem hopeless or are at a loss for how to move forward, call out to Jesus. God hears every prayer, and his ear is open to those who call upon his name (See Psalm 66:19). We can bring every need to the Lord who cares for us, loves us, and has good plans for those who love him. We can call out to him in praise, in surrender, and when we are struggling. This account teaches us to call out to Jesus in our need.

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5. It’s Good to Rest

Jesus went to sleep when he got on the boat. He was likely tired from healing, casting our spirits, and being with so many crowds. So, he rested. Jesus was good at resting and finding moments to get away and find time with the Father.

God wants each of us to rest, as well. God gave us the sabbath, and Jesus even reminded his followers to come to him for real rest and renewal (See Matthew 11:28). Jesus modeled the perfect life for us. We get tempted to believe that staying busy and driven is what makes us good, however, rest is important. When we look at Jesus in this story, we learn that rest and taking care of ourselves is good and something that God desires for us as his beloved children. It is good to slow down and find moments to rest in God’s presence.

6. God Has Authority over Everything

As the disciples reflected in awe, even the winds and waves obeyed Jesus. God has control over everything. We may not always understand exactly what that means or how God uses His power in each situation, but we can rest confidently knowing that God is in control over our lives and this world (See Isaiah 45:5-7). We are not at the mercy of the evil one, rather, we have God on our side and fighting our battles.

In this story, we learn that God has authority over everything, and we do not have to live in fear (See Isaiah 41:13).

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7. You Don’t Have to Be Afraid

When the disciples woke Jesus, he was frustrated by their little faith. They were afraid and thought they were going to die. What this story shows us is that we do not have to live in fear, even in the most scary or tumultuous circumstances.

We have all been in the disciples’ shoes and have experienced fear. What this passage demonstrates is that we do not have to be afraid if we put our faith in God. It takes faith to put our trust in God rather than be fearful, especially when we are facing difficult or painful situations. We can trust God through it all, though, and know that he is on our side when we surrender to him rather than fear the unknown (See Psalm 23:4).

The narrative of Jesus sleeping on the boat while the storm was raging is one that provides many valuable teachings. It shows us the reality of life and the goodness of God toward us in every situation. I am in awe that Jesus can calm even the most ferocious of storms. We do not have to be afraid when life is uncertain; we can have faith in Jesus. When we follow Jesus, he will be there for us, and we can completely trust in him.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/NiseriN

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