Advent comes from the Latin word "adventus," which means "coming." In the 4th and 5th centuries, Advent was a time of preparation for the baptism of new Christians. Christians would spend 40 days in prayer and fasting to prepare for the celebration that accompanied the baptism of new believers.
Over time, Advent has become connected to the coming of Christ. Originally, Christians used this term to reference Christ's second coming, but by the Middle Ages, Advent was connected to Christ's first coming, which we celebrate at Christmas. Today, we celebrate Advent over the four Sundays leading up to Christmas each year.
Each week of Advent has a theme the first week we light a purple candle for hope (or promise), week two we light a purple candle for preparation (or waiting or prophecy), week three we light a pink or purple candle for joy (or peace), and week four we light a purple or pink candle for love (or adoration).
As we embrace this season of waiting for the coming of Christ, setting aside time to intentionally meditate on who Christ is and what he has done for us helps keep us focused on the meaning of Christmas. As married couples we need to have rituals in our lives that draw us closer to God. Participating in Advent is one way we can grow closer to each other and the Lord.
Here are some ways to celebrate Advent together as a married couple:
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1. Create a Place in Your Home to Observe Advent
Many who celebrate Advent light candles and read Scriptures together over the weeks leading to Christmas. A great way to make this a part of your routine is to create a space in your home to observe Advent together. You could make or buy an Advent wreath with candles for your table to signify that it is the place where you gather together in December to reflect.

2. Add Music to Your Advent Tradition
One of the best parts of Christmas is the music! We all have songs we look forward to enjoying in the weeks leading up to Christmas. One fun way to enjoy Advent with your spouse is with special songs you enjoy together as you read, reflect, and pray.
A few good Advent songs include North Point's Emmanual, which is a beautiful reminder of the hope we have because Jesus came and died for us. Elevation Worship's Here Come Heaven awakens our hearts again to the reality that Jesus came down from Heaven to save us! Hillsong Worship's O Come All Ye Faithful invites us to come and adore our King!

3. Curate an Advent Prayer List
As you come together to meditate on the Lord, create a list of prayers you want to share over Advent. These could be liturgical prayers you want to read over the weeks of your study. You could list people and issues you want to cover in prayer and choose one or two to pray for each night of December. You could just give each other prayer prompts to spur on your prayer time, such as a prayer of gratitude, hope, faith, repentance, joy, and prayer for peace.

4. Create an Advent Acts of Generosity Bucket List
Embrace the season's theme by finding more ways to be generous as a couple. Come up with an advent acts of generosity bucket list to cross off together. These acts could be as simple as offering to pay for the order of the next person in line at the coffee shop. You guys could pick a family or child in need to sponsor for the holiday and have fun shopping for them together. You could choose a holiday service at church to serve at. Bake cookies for some neighbors as a way to show love to those in your community. You could host a holiday party for your workplace, offering the chance to build relationships with your co-workers. There are so many great ways to be generous as a couple!

5. Pick an Advent Devotional to Read through Together
There are so many amazing advent devotionals that can help guide your study time at home. Here are a few to consider:
Shadow and Light: A Journey Into Advent by Tsh Oxenreider is one great option. Tsh does a wonderful job unpacking the meaning and traditions that are followed by many Christians over Advent. She gives us daily texts, verses, prayers, questions, prompts to listen to certain songs, and prompts for reflection.
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu offers interactive devotions and five daily reflections that focus on that week's name of Jesus. The devotions include suggestions for fun-filled family activities or service projects.
The Expected One, Revised and Updated: Anticipating All of Jesus in the Advent by Scott James and David Platt points your home back to Jesus by focusing on the promises God gives us in his Word. Grow your anticipation for the holiday season through this study.

6. Enjoy Some Special Advent Food
One of the best parts of the holiday season is the food! When we are little, we look forward to the gifts; when we grow up, we look forward to the treats. Choose some foods to make your special Advent devotional time feel extra cozy and special. Maybe it's hot chocolate shared while you light your candles, hot cider, a homemade cookie, or other snacks. Share together in enjoying the Scripture and some of your favorite holiday treats.

7. Share Advent with Loved Ones
Make parts of your Advent tradition something shared with people close to you! It could be gathering on the Sundays leading to Christmas with extended family, friends, or your small group to share in a special Advent reading and candle lighting. You could open your home for a special Advent season potluck dinner. Maybe there are special Advent church services you can engage with to enrich this season in your home.
However you embrace the chance to pause and reflect together, let it add depth and joy to this season of celebration. Pause together to be present as we give thanks for the birth of our Messiah. He is the best gift we have ever been given, and we should never tire of giving thanks and praise for all he has done for us.
Originally published Wednesday, 20 November 2024.