As a stay-at-home mom with young kids I know what it feels like to lose yourself in diapers, laundry, and play dates. Have you ever felt like you've lost yourself? Maybe you're in school and you're consumed with research, writing, and office hours. Maybe you are in a fast paced career that has you neck deep in both deadlines and bottom lines.
Life has a way of creeping up on us this way. Where one things leads to another and next thing we know we're so consumed with doing that we forget our true passions in life. Before we know it we can easily lose sight of the passion God placed in our hearts.
If this is you and you've drifted from what you've always really wanted to do and the person you really dreamed of being, here are 8 questions to ask yourself to rediscover your passion.
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1. What do I want to do?
Now this question may seem obvious but think about it. We can become so consumed with what everyone else wants and needs from us that we have little time to think of what we want. And when we do have the time we feel guilty about it. Take a moment and give yourself permission to dream. Now ask yourself; what is one thing I've always wanted to do and what do you think that desire reveals about me as a person?
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2. What am I good at?
I want you to think outside the box with this one. This doesn't necessarily have to be a learned skill or trade. Are you good at making people feel comfortable in crowds? Are you great at remaining calm during stressful situations? The things that come naturally to you are good indicators that point to your passion in life. If you're not sure what the answer to this question is, ask your spouse, parents or a close friend.
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3. What do people ask me to help them with?
If you're not sure what you want or what you're good at someone else does. Those closest to us have a tendency to see things in us that we don't even see in ourselves. Do your friends always ask you for marriage advice? Does everyone ask you to help when it comes to planning an event? Are you the go-to-person people rely on when they need help with their finances? What people ask of you can show you what you're truly passionate about.
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4. What makes me angry?
Anger is such an intense emotion. It's a telling sign that we don't like something but that also can lead to our discovery of what we're passionate about. If you become angry when you see any form of animal cruelty you're probably passionate about animals. If you become upset when you see someone waste money you may be passionate about finances and budgeting. So ask yourself, what makes me upset and see what passion that reveals about myself?
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5. What would I do for free?
If there is anything you would do for free, I guarantee there is passion. Money is a leading motivator in our lives so if there is anything what can get us going without it, trust me, you're passionate about it. So ask yourself, if money wasn't an option, what would I do? Or what have I already been doing without any compensation?
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6. What did I enjoy doing in my youth?
Our desires as children can be key signs to what we're passionate about today. As a young girl I remember loving to have sleepovers with my friends and creating groups and events for women to connect. Guess what? I'm still doing that today just in different more grownup ways. I also remember selling candy bars to my friends in high school and greeting cards in college. What I though was just a way to make some money on the side was really a key sign to my passion for entrepreneurial endeavors.
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7. What is something I've never tried?
You don't know until you know. You may have passions deep down in you that you've never even begun to discover because you've never been exposed to it. Think of things you've never tried before like traveling or crafts and then try them. You may just surprise yourself!
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8. What do I feel like God is calling me to do?
I saved the best for last. If you truly want to discover your passion ask God. What is it that you think God is placing on your heart? God gives us our passions therefore, He is the best resource we have to better understand them. Take time to seek God on the matter. Pray and fast if you need to hear from Him more clearly. Take your time and wait for His answer. He knows you better than anyone else.
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Christina Patterson is a wife and stay-at-home mom with a passion to encourage women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word. When she is not folding laundry or playing blocks you will find her with her head deep in her Bible or a commentary. She holds her masters in Theology from Liberty University and is the founder of Beloved Women, a non-profit providing resources and community for women to truly know who they are in Christ: His Beloved. She blogs at belovedwomen.org.
Originally published Tuesday, 21 November 2017.