9 Things the Apostles Would Tweet about the Church Today

Britt Mooney

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There always seems to be drama on X, what used to be known as Twitter. Of course, tweets can be encouraging and sweet, but many stir up trouble. From presidents to entertainers and athletes, people tweet their thoughts to the world and cause controversy and backlash. Even cancellation.

It’s interesting and fun to think about what the apostles from the New Testament would tweet in our modern culture. They used letters and other forms of communication in their day, so they would likely use social media, as well.

From Paul to Peter to John, some of their statements in the New Testament got them in trouble in their day. It would happen again.

So, what if the apostles from 2,000 years ago tweeted today? Looking at the church today, what would they say? And who would they trigger?

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1. Paul 

How about we stop undermining the only Gospel for empty modern philosophy? #jesusdiedandroseagain #giftofrepentance

Paul was a Jew and strict Pharisee, but he also had a classic Greek education. Once he came to know Jesus and stopped killing Christians, this made him the perfect apostle to the Gentiles.

Because of his education, Paul understood the emptiness of Greek philosophy, and he regularly warned the Gentile churches against adopting the world’s way of thinking.

At the same time, he stressed a strict adherence to the gospel, even defending the Good News from Jewish legalism.

Churches and spiritual leaders today also struggle with the same temptations of compromise with worldly philosophy and religious legalism. Both can be seen in modern faith communities. May we return to the centrality of repentance to the Good News of Jesus.

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8).

Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:8-10).

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2. Peter

Stop denying Jesus and the cross he’s calling you to bear. #getbehindmesatan 

Jesus taught his disciples to take up their cross daily and follow him. The cross symbolized pain, second-class citizenship, and shame. 

In a broken world opposed to God, disciples of Christ declare a supreme and transcendent Kingdom of Heaven. The conflict is assured. But so is the ultimate victory by King Jesus. 

Peter rejected the idea of Jesus’ death on the cross. Later, he wrote a letter expressing how disciples had been called to suffer with Christ. 

As my mentor used to say about following Jesus, “We’re not invited on a cruise ship. We’ve been recruited for a battleship.” 

Too much of modern Christianity expresses a supposed gospel about making ourselves happy based on our own understanding of what that means. 

Yet the Scripture invites us into a life of conflict, suffering, and self-denial, all of which will culminate with an eternal paradise and ultimate reward. 

From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” (Matthew 16:21-23).

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3. Judas Iscariot

We need to do more fundraising! #followgodgetmoney 

Among the 12 disciples, Judas had charge of the money. Yet the others knew he was stealing from the money box. 

Paul later defines greed as a form of idolatry (Colossians 3:5), and with this principle in mind, we can see how Judas was eventually tempted to betray Jesus when the Jewish religious leaders offered him 30 pieces of silver. 

Money remains an issue for many spiritual leaders. Most of us have heard more than one story about how a minister stole money from the church or a nonprofit. 

Also, we have ministers who preach that following Jesus is a way to get financially wealthy, appealing to people’s selfishness and worldly desires. 

At the same time, all of them deal with money and greed. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10), and we must be strictly aware of how deceptive wealth and greed can be. 

But one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, who would betray Him, said, “Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it (John 16:4-6).

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4. Simon the Zealot

Making a religion out of politics makes the whole world blind. Jesus showed me a better way. #nomorepoliticalzealots 

The gospels identify Simon as a Zealot. Barabbas, whom the people chose to pardon during Passover instead of Jesus, was also a Zealot. During biblical times, the Zealots were a type of “social justice warrior” who justified violence in the name of their cause.

Rome legitimately oppressed the Jews, and the Zealots believed that justified killing in the name of Israel. Yet, when Simon became a disciple of Jesus, Christ didn’t teach him to fight with worldly weapons but to forgive and die for the good of others.

Many Christians today make their politics the ultimate expression of their spiritual beliefs. This hasn’t led to more unity or positive change. On the contrary, we’ve seen more justification for hate, division, and violence in the name of politics.

As Christians, we are citizens of a greater, more transcendent Kingdom. This doesn’t mean we dismiss all political involvement. We should give to the poor and stand against injustice in all its forms.

However, no political party or position will be holistic enough to compete with the Kingdom of God, and we create idols when we give those human organizations such primacy. Jesus shows us a better way.

Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; (Luke 6:15).

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5. Barnabas

None of us are worthy of God’s love. Let’s love, forgive, and restore one another. #encouragementrocks

Jesus revealed himself to Saul and knocked him off a horse, leading the man to salvation and repentance. Saul, who would one day be known as Paul, came to Jerusalem a new creation.

But since he had been imprisoning and killing Christians, the church in the city didn’t trust him. This was understandable.

Barnabas stepped up and vouched for Saul. God called Barnabas and Saul together as the first missionaries of Christianity. Throughout Acts, Barnabas was known as the encourager, a restorer.

We need this heart in the church today. Our society has developed “cancel culture,” where one mistake, sin, or despicable act can ruin a person’s life, even years later.

Yes, we should acknowledge sin and stand against injustice, but none of us are perfect. God, who is, gives us all chance after chance to be reconciled through repentance and restoration. How much more should we? Seventy times seven, Jesus says.

Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent out Barnabas to go as far as Antioch. When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord (Acts 11:22-23).

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6. John

Sometimes standing up for truth gets you in trouble with the world. But then you see Jesus even clearer. #iykyk #isleofpatmos 

John, most likely the apostle, gets in trouble with the Roman government. We don’t know exactly why, but due to the writing of Revelation, we get the hint he declared a king greater than Caesar and a Kingdom greater than Rome. 

He’s sent to exile on the isle of Patmos, where he gets this epic apocalyptic vision of the Jesus he loves. 

There are numerous kingdoms of this world. Jesus’ witness before Pilate was, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” Declaring this greater Kingdom threatens those who want to build their own in this life, and they often react violently to silence such speech. 

Too many Christians today are afraid of standing for Jesus and declaring the Kingdom of God, especially as the culture becomes more hostile to the Good News and are willing to give consequences related to speaking truth. 

Yet, this is our role as the church in the world, to speak the truth in love and declare Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We may get in trouble with worldly authority, but we will be counted with the prophets and apostles when we do. 

I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:9).

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7. Thomas

In times of darkness and doubt, don’t look to the world for answers. Call out to Jesus and ask him to reveal himself. #jesusfacetoface #encounterjesus 

We all have times of tragedy and crisis in our lives. Where do we turn when these things happen?

Thomas was one of the 12 disciples, and Jesus (the King he followed, loved, and believed would bring an apocalyptic revolution) was crucified as a common criminal.

In his grief, he hid away with the other disciples, who surely thought they might be next in line for execution due to their association with Jesus.

However, Jesus was raised from the dead, but when he came to see Thomas, the man doubted. When he came to touch Jesus himself, he believed.

Like Thomas, we are tempted to give up on God when tragedy strikes. We begin to believe the world has better answers than Jesus, and through isolation and grief, we hide away from God. However, that way leads to death.

Yet, coming to Jesus and experiencing him face to face is the only answer to restoring our joy and our faith. Jesus won’t dismiss our pain and grief, but he will reframe those feelings within the eternal truth of his love and the redemption of all things.

He works it all out for good in the end (Romans 8:28). Let’s not give in to the temptation and quit on God when life gets difficult. Come to Christ for his comfort, his truth, and the life we long for.

Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27-28).

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8. Matthew

Even oppressors can repent to the Kingdom of God. #formertaxcollector #everyonecanchange 

Just as social justice warriors can change, so can the oppressors.

Matthew worked as a tax collector. Tax collectors were known as notorious thieves in his day. He took money for the oppressive Roman Empire. As a Jew, he had betrayed his people. He worked for the enemy and made money doing it.

Jesus sought Matthew out and called him to be a disciple. Just as James and John left their nets and Simon ceased being a Zealot, Matthew left the tax collecting job and gave his whole life for the Son of God.

Christ died for all, not only one group of people. Both the Jew and Gentile, the slave and free, the oppressed and oppressor, the rich and poor, Jesus died so anyone who believed and repented would have eternal life.

That repentance leads to the transformation of all people, a new identity in Christ. No one is hopeless, not even the oppressor.

As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him (Matthew 9:9).

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9. Andrew

Church programs don’t make fishers of people. Following Jesus does. #fishersofmen #walkwiththeking

It was simple. The disciple’s job was to follow. Jesus’ job? He would make them fishers of people. Christ was responsible for growing them into the people he called them to be. Only he can.

The model hasn’t changed. It’s still that simple. We will become who God has called us to be, we will walk in the works he has prepared beforehand for us, all when we commit to walking with him step by step in the Spirit. He does the work. And that work will produce unique callings and ministries.

Yet we like programs and counting graduates from classes and other measures of success, measures we don’t find anywhere in the New Testament. We like them because we can take credit for them.

Paul tells us to make sure no one corrupts us away from the simplicity in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3). It is corruption to complicate that which is designed to be beautifully simple.

Let us endeavor to always and only point people to the simplicity of following Jesus in the Spirit. And then watch him do amazing things.

And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him (Matthew 4:18-20).

These men aren’t alive today. We are. The better question is, what are we communicating through these social platforms? How are we calling others to truth and the Gospel? To the simplicity of Christ? How are we not?

We should all examine our hearts and hear from God about how he would have us act and communicate in our day and age. The Spirit will lead us into all truth, even the wisdom about what to tweet.


For further reading:

Who Were the 12 Apostles in the Bible?

What Is an Apostle? Do Apostles Still Exist?

Should Every Christian Strive to be Like the Apostles?

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This article originally appeared on Christianity.com. For more faith-building resources, visit Christianity.com.

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