5 Encouraging Prayers for the Weary Woman Serving in Ministry

Published Mar 25, 2025
5 Encouraging Prayers for the Weary Woman Serving in Ministry

Have you served in ministry for several years and enjoy serving God’s people, but are you weary?  On Sundays, you go through the motions but have lost your zeal and joy. You've replaced being for doing and may feel disconnected from God. You enjoy using your gifts to serve others and glorify God but feel overwhelmed and need to be restored by God's spirit. You minister and pour out to so many weekly, but your soul needs to be ministered to. 

As women in ministry, we serve in many different capacities, care for children and aging parents, work, and are involved in many other social activities. Our time is stretched, and boundaries are blurred. You know you need to slow down but feel guilty for trying. God doesn’t want us to serve empty but to serve restored and joyfully. Exhaustion and burnout no longer have to continue to be badges of honor. You can start a new narrative today. If you’re feeling weary and worn out from serving in ministry, here are five encouraging prayers for you:

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daily prayer, morning prayer

1. A Prayer for Restoration

Dear God,

Thank you for the gifts that you've given me and the opportunity to serve in ministry. I am weary from pouring out so much, but thank you for restoring my body, mind, and spirit. Please grant me the wisdom to know when to pause and take the time to minister to and care for myself. Please forgive me for times when I have tried to keep pressing forward within my strength and have not depended more on your spirit and strength.

When I am weak, thank you for restoring my spirit with your new grace, mercies, and protection. Please grant me the courage to step away from serving to restore my well-being. In Jesus’ name, amen

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god help me prayer

2. A Prayer for Strength

Dear God,

Thank you for being the source of my strength and empowering me to continue serving in ministry. When I feel like I have nothing left to give, serve, or pour out, thank you for providing me with everything I need. When I want to do everything within my strength, thank you for reminding me that you want me to depend more on you daily. Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Thank you for always being present and strengthening my body, mind, and spirit.

Please help me see new and refreshing ways to strengthen my soul when weary. Please help me to lean wholly on your strength to guide, direct, and lead me as I serve. Your strength empowers and uplifts me to keep serving You. Thank you for reminding me that You are sovereign and will continue to order my steps, as I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen

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woman relaxing at peace on couch

3. A Prayer for Peace

Dear God,

When I am frantic and my mind is restless, thank you for providing me with your peace that surpasses all understanding. During seasons when I'm going through the motions of serving You but feeling called to be renewed personally, please give me your peace to make difficult decisions. Please help me to receive and exchange your peace for anxiety, grace for guilt, and courage for condemnation. As I serve in ministry, thank you for reminding me to serve peacefully rather than in a frazzled frenzy.

When I feel like I'm the only one who can get something done or there are limited options for help, please remind me to look to You for wisdom, support and give me the courage to ask for help. Your peace encourages me that every ministry needs will be met and that I can rest peacefully. When I want to control aspects of serving, thank you for your peace, which reminds me that you are sovereign and entirely in control. Thank you for the gift of serving, and thank you for the gift of your peace. In Jesus name, amen.

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Group of happy people, the power of community

4. A Prayer for Community

Dear God,

Thank you for providing me with community and quality friendships as I serve you, and thank you for always being with me and uplifting my spirit when I feel alone and unsupported. Thank you for connecting me with like-minded women who support, encourage, and accompany me as I serve in ministry. Please give me the courage to extend myself to others and continue being who you've created me to be. Thank you for sending me life-giving and affirming relationships and helping me receive the beauty they offer.

Help my heart to remain open to the new and unexpected ways that you desire for me to be ministered to through the gift of community. Please give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and connect with healthy friendships that affirm and encourage my soul. Thank you for creating me to be in meaningful relationships and connect with a supportive community.

In Jesus’ name, amen

Photo Credit: Priscilla du Preez/Unsplash

Peaceful woman outside

5. A Prayer for Rest

Dear God,

When I am weary, thank you for giving me the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual rest I need. When I feel guilty about wanting and needing to rest, please remind me that there is now no condemnation in you. (Romans 8:1) For me to fully continue serving you and your kingdom, I must be rested and restored. Please give me the courage to schedule rest and help me to recognize that you have instructed me to take Sabbath rest. Thank you for the gift of rest and how it renews and rejuvenates my body, mind, and spirit.

As I surrender my daily anxieties and cares to You, thank you for helping me rest my mind. Help me to enjoy the gift of rest that You give and look for new ways You speak to me when I rest. In Jesus’ name, amen

Rest and Restore

For the weary woman in ministry, don't lose hope and be encouraged today. Your gifts are still needed, and God has called you to serve. Today, I invite you to pause and take the necessary steps to encourage and uplift your body, mind, and soul. God still loves you and wants to fully restore you, enjoy His presence, and serve Him with gladness again. If God calls you to rest, embrace the opportunity to draw closer to Him through prayer, worship, reading, meditating on His Word, and practicing being.

As women in ministry, we don't have to do more to earn God's love or approval. God wants us to be whole and is more concerned about who we are in Him than how we serve. God will continue to use your gifts to minister and serve others, but your well-being is most important to Him. Be empowered and encouraged to receive the beautiful gift of rest that God wants.

Today, I invite you to begin enjoying God's presence more instead of simply going through the motions of serving. As you continue to serve, rest assured that God's ministry will continue to go forward, and the body of Christ will continue to flourish while you rest. God wants to restore your soul and give you peace, strength, and community.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Yolya

Kirstyn Mayden headshotKirstyn Mayden is an author, certified ministry coach, and speaker whose mission is to help women in ministry recover from burnout. She is a wife and mom who loves Jesus with all her heart. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry roles serving with children, youth, and women. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day and Merciful Moments Activity Guide. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. Connect with Kirstyn at www.kirstynmayden.com.

Originally published Tuesday, 25 March 2025.