Spiritual gifts are something that have fascinated me for a long time. Not only do we all have different hobbies and talents, but there are gifts that God has given each of us to help perform our God-specific journeys on this Earth. It can be easy to see someone else using their spiritual gift and wonder how we could do what they do. This is why it is so essential that we understand our own individual spiritual gifts that make us unique and help us all to work together in the body of Christ.
As it states in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, we each are a part of the body and hold very specific and different spiritual gifts: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”
So by now you may be wondering how to figure out what your spiritual gifts may be. Let’s delve into 10 steps that can help you discover and use those gifts for the glory of the Lord!
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1. Understanding What Spiritual Gifts Are:
There are many spiritual gifts and this is a great resource to learn more about them! What do people often compliment you on? Are you easy to talk to or are the leader in your small group? If you like to pitch in behind the scenes at church without being asked you may think you are just helpful but it’s really the gift of serving that you are using! If you’d like to take a test to learn more about what gifts you have, I recommend taking this online test: Gifts Test.
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2. What Are Your Dreams?
I fully believe that God instills dreams and aspirations inside of us that line up with our spiritual gifts. Do you dream of starting a church or a community group? Do you think writing a book to help others go through something you’ve struggled with and have overcome sounds exciting? Right now you may think these dreams are too lofty but understand that God gives you these dreams as encouragement to keep moving forward with your gifts!
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3. What Do You Enjoy Doing?
By our teenage and adult years many of us understand what our talents and personality types are. These are just a part of what makes our spiritual gifts come alive! I love to write about my faith and lessons God has taught me through situations in order to comfort or guide others. So it makes sense that my spiritual gifts include discernment and faith.
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4. What Do You Not Enjoy?
If you don’t enjoy speaking in front of people or going up to strangers to evangelize, you may not be gifted in those spiritual gifts. I have tried other ministry areas through volunteering at church and quickly realized that it just wasn’t a gift of mine. Could I still stay in that ministry? Sure, but if I am not enjoying where I am in the ministry of Christ, the fervor or reach of my “work” may not be as effective. People can sense when you are joyful or are just going through the motions.
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5. What Do You Take for Granted About Yourself?
For many of us, things don’t always come easy. Being a part of the church body means that we all can play a part, no matter how big or small, in leading others to Christ and encouraging our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Ask a friend what they see in you that they admire or come to you for. Maybe you’re a great listener or are always willing to give financially to missions. These answers from trusted friends and family can also help to unlock your knowledge of spiritual gifts.
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6. Using Your Gifts:
At this point you may be wondering how to put your spiritual gifts in action? I think the best way to get an opportunity to use your gifts is to volunteer! Churches, schools, and organizations/conferences are often looking for volunteers. If you have the gift of hospitality, you may want to offer hosting your small group one evening. If wisdom or teaching is a gift of yours, leading Bible classes or mentoring others may be something you’d enjoy!
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7. Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open:
Many times, we come across opportunities without realizing them. You may have a gift of discernment, helping, or craftsmanship and have a neighbor that needs help cleaning out their garage or putting on a garage sale. Maybe you have a family member or coworker that needs donations for a mission trip or medical need that you can use your gift of giving towards!
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8. Learning When to Say Yes:
After taking a spiritual gift test, you may find that you have multiple spiritual gifts. If so, you may feel pulled in multiple directions or may even feel an urgency to say “yes” to every opportunity that may come your way. Something I had to learn was that, although I may have the opportunity, I don’t have to say yes to every opportunity. When we fill up our schedule we can quickly “burn out” and then our impact can lesson or our energy to continue may dwindle. I have found that taking seasons of volunteering in one area at a time gives me time to delve into different gifts in a spaced out rhythm.
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9. What Are You Scared of?
Maybe your gifts “scare” you a little. You may have the gift of evangelism but fear where it might lead. I believe that taking opportunities, no matter how big or small, are useful for the kingdom. I also know that the areas that make us the most nervous are the opportunities that many times will make the largest impact.
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10. Take the Compliment and Send It Upward:
When you find yourself in God’s will using your gifts you will undoubtedly get compliments from others that receive the blessings! These will serve to energize your hard work and efforts and make you want to keep on the good work! Although it’s nice to receive these compliments in and of themselves, we must remember to accept and then send the praise back up to the Creator of all good things! This will bless the giver, receiver and send glory up to the Father above, the originator of all good gifts!
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Mandy Smith is a joyful 30-something single living in GA. She is a full-time Speech-Language Pathologist. Her loves include Jesus, her family and friends, creativity, playing guitar and singing, coffee, laughing, and of course, writing! You can read more of her writing on her website www.myjoyousheart.com and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Originally published Thursday, 02 November 2017.