“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:33-34 NIV)
Are you looking for the right words to pray over your daughter? When you're overwhelmed and seeking God's protection for her, it can be difficult to find the words to say! The best way we can show love and care for our daughters is to pray for them. When you feel a moment of worry for your daughter, pause and take a moment to pray over her life and future.
Jesus’ words of wisdom in Matthew 6:33-34 serve as a good lifeboat for parents everywhere. We do worry! It’s difficult to live life and explain it to children simultaneously. In our increasingly dangerous world, children are at risk every time they look at a screen and step outside. Yet, Jesus says, “Do not worry.” Parents of daughters are bombarded with current statistics on the growing problem of human trafficking, and young girls are flooded with images of who they should be to fit into society. I use these prayers for my daughter daily. These ten prayers will encourage parents to transfer worry to faith in our Heavenly Father, trusting He cares for our daughters.
Photo Credit: Pixabay

1. A Prayer for My Daughter's Safety
We praise You for the gift of raising daughters. They are a beautiful reflection of Your love for us, and we know You care for them immensely more than even we ever could. Let us rest in the peace of knowing our daughters are first and foremost Yours. You knew them in the womb, and you know every thread of their hearts. You see them, hear them, and are their Defender and Protector.
Help us to be diligent in protecting our daughters and keeping them safe, both physically and spiritually. Guard their hearts and minds, Father. Protect them from the evil that penetrates this world and creeps into the corners of innocent lives. Protect what they see on screens and in their daily lives. Protect them from human trafficking and kidnapping. Guard them in their homes, from any threat of harm.
We pray
We pray this truth to trump our worry over our daughters’ safety, Father.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Pexels

2. A Prayer for My Daughter's Friendships
Proverbs 17:17 says that a true friend sticks closer than a brother. Today, we pray for our daughters’ friendships, realizing the influence other people will have on them throughout their lives. We pray they, too, become good godly friends to those around them. A God-placed friend can mean everything in moments of despair and heartache, and we pray for those friends to flood our daughters’ lives. We also pray they are extensions of love and friendship to the people in their lives, as well.
Friendship can be hard, because people are imperfect. We pray for hearts of forgiveness and compassion in our daughters and their friends. Give them the gift of an empathetic heart, and a love and concern for others. Teach them how to set boundaries by Your standards, Father, and to learn godly assertiveness. Let their confidence rest in You, alone, and may we do a good job leading them by reflecting Your love and forgiveness in our own friendships, Father.
Help our daughters to see that there is so much more to friendship than selfish motives, but that You love others through us in friendships. Help them to live looking up and facing out, ready to serve and love the people You have placed in their lives well.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Thinkstock

3. A Prayer for our Relationships with our Daughters
Thank You for blessing us with the opportunity to be parents, and to lead our daughters to Your feet. The biggest responsibility of parenthood is to live so they see You through our lives. Please convict our hearts more than ever before to be the parents our daughters need us to be. No matter the sacrifice or changes we need to make and endure, we want Your will for our lives and theirs.
Show us, Father, who we need to be. Empower us to be obedient in honoring You, as parenting is a huge and important calling in life. You are not a God of coincidence, and we pray the daughters You have purposefully placed in our care feel Your love through our faithfulness.
Father, as our daughters grow up, there will be many times we will have to let go, but we pray our relationship with them will be overflowing with love and compassion. Throughout all of the discipline, heartaches, hardships, and challenges life will bring us as parents and they as daughters, let Your compassion and love reign over it all. Help us to forgive each other quickly, and to follow You diligently. Bless our time in prayer together, and in the reading of Your word together. We pray the lines of communication are always open with each other, and with You.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Thinkstock

4. A Prayer for My Daughter’s Confidence
The world is tough on our daughters. Everywhere they look, they see images of airbrushed people adored for being something impossible for all women to achieve. Too often the focus for women in our modern society is on our physical bodies, and the attention and care we give to them to look the way the world wants us to look.
There are many injustices women have faced, battled head on, and won. God, You are our Defender, and You see the unfairness and injustice that still exists for a woman in this world. You see us as the beautiful, unique, and individually-purposed people we are.
Father, we pray our daughters embrace Your truth: they are fearfully and wonderfully made. When they feel like they don't fit into this world, it’s because they do not. They are Yours. But in this world, they do have great purpose. Build their confidence in who they are on Your truth. When they look in the mirror, let them see Your Light twinkling in their eyes, and feel the fire of Your Holy Spirit convicting them to live a life full of Your Truth. Bless our daughters, Father, and guard their hearts and minds, today and always. Keep them healthy and strong, physically and spiritually.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Mikail Duran/Unsplash

5. A Prayer for My Daughter’s Salvation
The most important thing in our daughters’ lives is salvation in Jesus. It is through salvation that our parting on this earth is temporary, and we can anticipate being united with You together in heaven for eternity. We want that so badly for our daughters. Use our lives as a witness in theirs.
Help us not only to speak Your truth but to live in such a way that they know the power of walking with Jesus Christ in this life. May the truth of the Gospel sink deep into their hearts. We pray they hear Your voice early in life and follow You always. We want them to know Your unconditional love and forgiveness, Your compassion and grace.
Jesus, we know You run after our daughters. Soften their hearts; mold them to reflect Yours. Walk with them always, and build their confidence in Your truth. John 3:16 reminds us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Lord, we pray today for the salvation of our daughters, for them to believe in You, accept Christ as their personal Savior, and follow Him always in a life lived to the fullest, and on to eternity.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Stocksnap/Pixabay

6. A Prayer for My Daughter’s Calling
Thank You for the gift of parenting. It’s a joy to watch our daughters grow! As they do, the passions and talents You have blessed them with begin to surface. They begin to do what they love to do and excel in the areas You have gifted them. The world will attempt to squeeze them into conformity at a very young age. As they grow up, help us to be diligent and encouraging parents.
Help us to set the tone for hard work and commitment in their lives, in what they are naturally passionate about. This is sometimes hard to do! Not all talents and gifts surface right away, and we pray for the patience we need as parents to support and encourage them as they grow up.
Father, we pray our daughters hear Your call on their life early on, and maintain focus on You as they grow up and into adulthood. So many childhood dreams are given up on, but we know some dreams are God-placed guideposts. Help us to meet our children where they are at, as You do, through every step of maturity, matching their dreams to their talents and gifts, and guiding them through prayer and the truth of Your word and. May they follow Your call with abandon all the days of their lives, Father.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Thinkstock

7. A Prayer for My Daughter’s Relationships
If we worry about our daughters’ friendships, our freight for their romantic relationships may threaten to derail us! Help us to maintain our composure and compassion for our daughters as they date. Trusting in Your care for them and the Truth we have poured out over their lives, help us to trust You hear our prayers for godly relationships.
Father, we pray for our daughters’ dating lives. Place a blanket of protection over the decisions they will be pressured to make and the compromises in their character they may consider. Keep them strongly rooted in You, Jesus, and remind them of the Truths they have experienced and accumulated throughout their lives when pressed and tempted.
Father, remind them who they are when they are not listening to us. Let Your voice permeate and trump all others in their lives. No relationship is more important than the one they have with You, and we pray You are always first in their lives. Bless our daughters to be Christ-centered, Father, and thus have Christ-centered relationships.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Asad/Pexels

8. A Prayer for My Daughter’s Prayer Life
Thank You for the gift of prayer. It is because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross we are able to communicate freely with You, and we are thankful for it. What we cannot put into words, the Holy Spirit translates to You for us. Praise You, God, for the miraculous way You hear us and answer our prayers. We know You have heard every prayer we have ever prayed on our daughters’ behalf. Our prayer today is that they have caught the ball we’ve passed onto them.
Father, we pray we’ve done a good job leading them to You in prayer, and teaching them how to pray. It’s hard to let go and know for sure they are OK and in touch with You. Inspire them to reach out to You in prayer.
When they are happy, heartbroken, triumphant and discouraged, may they always talk to You and wrestle well with You in prayer. Keep the attitude of their hearts grateful and compassionate, love-driven and forgiving. Help them to forgive themselves and others freely, as You have forgiven us. May she always know without a doubt that she is never alone.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Getty Images

9. A Prayer for My Daughter’s Health
Praise You for the way You remain in control. So often, a note of bad news or bad health quickly unravels us. There is so much we do not control in this world. So much happens to us and the pain and unfairness in this world are overwhelming. Sickness and injury tend to shatter us. Today, we pray for the health of our daughters. Keep them physically safe from injury and disease, and mentally safe from depression and other mental illness. Guard their hearts should sickness and injury befall them, reminding them You are there through it all.
Father, as parents it breaks our hearts to see them suffer through the 24-hour stomach flu, let alone major health catastrophes and accidental injuries. Please strengthen us, should our children have to walk through an impossible battle with their health on this earth. There is nothing more unfair and excruciating than to watch our children suffer.
But Father, You understand. Jesus, You have felt our pain. You are our Comforter and protector. Bless our daughters to have good health all the days of their lives. And for those of us holding out for miraculous healings, grant them, Father, according to Your will.
In Jesus’ Name,
Photo Credit: Unsplash

10. A Prayer of Blessing for our Daughters
Praise You for our daughters. You have crafted them beautifully and wonderfully, and given them a purpose in this world unique to them. Every day, we as parents have to let go of them just a little bit more, and hand them back over to You. Father, we know our experience as parents is as unique as the people You’ve created us to be.
Help us to live out our callings as parents according to Your will over the comparison we’re tempted with daily. Bless our daughters to grow up appreciating who they are in Christ. May they know early on who You say they are, and run the race of faith well. Give them the strength to stride through this life alongside their Savior. Bless them with hearts full of compassion and grace. When life gets hard, remind them Your peace never waivers, and You are always there.
Father, we all need to be reminded You are close to the brokenhearted, and Your heart is moved by the prayers of the faithful and righteous. In this world, we will have trouble, but You have overcome the world. We pray today our daughters hold on to these Truths, and live these Truths.
In Jesus’ Name,
“Megs” writes about everyday life within the love of Christ. She stepped out of her comfort zone, and her Marketing career, to obey God’s call to stay home and be “Mom” in 2011. From that step of obedience her blog, Sunny&80, was born, a way to retain the funny everyday moments of motherhood. Meg is also a freelance writer and author of “Friends with Everyone.” She loves leading her Monday morning Bible study, being a dance mom, distance running and photography. Meg resides in Northern Ohio with her husband, two daughters, and Golden-Doodle … all avid Cleveland Browns fans.
This article is part of our Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
Serenity Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Irish Blessings & Prayers
Morning Prayers
Good Night Prayers
Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Protection
Photo credit: Etty Fidele/Unsplash
Originally published Tuesday, 26 February 2019.