It’s easy to focus on the worst people in a church because they demand more of our time and attention, but what about the best people in the congregation — those who are sometimes overlooked?
The best people in your church might not be those you’d notice right away, but look carefully and you will find Christians who exemplify and model these 10 godly characteristics.
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1. The People Who Freely Forgive
Take time to notice those who understand that they have been forgiven so much in Christ and need to freely forgive others. Colossians 3:13 expresses this well: “Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” We also see this in Ephesians 4:31-32, where Paul admonished Christians to forgive rather than give in to anger, bitterness, and unkind behavior.
Extending grace to others, especially when it is difficult, is what God calls us to do. Matthew 6:14 reminds us, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
Gracious forgivers in the church are like oil that keeps machinery running smoothly.
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2. The People Who Are Firm in the Truth
Christians who are firm in the truth of Scripture do not fall for false teachers’ lies. Paul told Timothy to “continue” in what he had learned from the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:13-15).
These believers are on their guard and courageously stand firm in the faith by putting on the full armor of God and resisting Satan’s evil schemes (1 Corinthians 16:13; Ephesians 6:11-13).
Notice the Christians who are standing true to the Gospel and the wisdom of the Bible — those who do not compromise solid doctrine, who do not pay more attention to the culture than to what God has said, and who do not redefine biblical truth to fit the whims and fancies of the day. They help to keep the church strong.
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3. The People Who Flee Immorality
Reports of churches afflicted and harmed by members’ sexual sins are hard to read. Paul said there is not to be “even a hint” of sexual immorality. But flip that around. Do we praise church members’ commitment to biblical sexual purity?
It’s naïve to believe Christians will never be tempted by sins of sexual immorality, whether in the pews, in the pulpit, or in other places of leadership. The Bible teaches that Christians are to be sexually moral — not partaking in fornication, adultery, pornography, or any deviant sexual behaviors.
Paul zeroed in on the importance of fleeing sexual immorality in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Conquering sexual sins, he noted, first requires recognizing that our bodies are not our own, but are meant to honor God. Guarding the thought life by taking wrong sexual thoughts into captivity, plus renewing the mind in the Word of God, are effective ways to move from sexual immorality to sexual purity (2 Corinthians 10:5; Romans 12:1-2).
Notice Christians who adhere to sexual purity. They bless and strengthen the church by contributing to solid relationships and families.
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4. The People Who Are Faithful
Church-goers can be fickle, but the faithful are loyal to God and their church, and willing to take up their cross and following Jesus one day at a time. They aren’t church hoppers, but eagerly build up the church body God has called them to attend. They wouldn’t think of forsaking assembly with other Christians, knowing how important encouragement and strengthening are in a weakening culture (Hebrews 10:25).
Christians who bless the church are also faithful in attitudes and actions toward others in key relationships — family, friends, and the fellowship of believers. Paul wrote about the importance of Christians having wholehearted fidelity to one another through life-building strategies (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
They are also faithful to the spiritual disciplines: prayer, Bible reading and study, serving, giving, and sharing the gospel message with others. Notice the Christians who are faithful in these areas and be grateful for them. They are often the backbone of the church.
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5. The People Who Fellowship Together
Rather than fighting, Christians who bless the church are committed to unity. They don’t give in to quarrels and fights that rise up from any number of reasons, like jealousy, gossip, or covetousness; and they don’t get involved in pointless disputes (James 4:1-11; 2 Timothy 2:23; Titus 3:9).
Instead, they are committed to true biblical fellowship that builds unity around the truth. Paul exhorted the Corinthians to “agree with one another” in what they say, and work to have no divisions in order to be “perfectly united in mind and thought” (1 Corinthians 1:10). It begins by mirroring the humility of the Savior (Philippians 2:1-5).
Notice the Christians who build unity, freely recognize and encourage other believers’ spiritual gifts, and focus on serving others rather than being served. They will promote the kind of Christian fellowship that is a pastor’s joy.
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6. The People Who Follow after Wisdom
How blessed a church is when it is packed with wise and prudent believers. True wisdom is valuable and it comes from God (Proverbs 16:16; James 3:17). It is the root of so much that is good in the church.
The wise will receive spiritual counsel and accept discipline. They know the wisdom of being quick to listen and slow to speak; and when they do speak, it’s from a heart that seeks to understand the wisdom and ways of God. They use money carefully, not trusting in material things, but rather focusing on how they can advance God’s mission for the church. They don’t make decisions recklessly, but are prudent and prayerful. They learn from their mistakes and mature in wisdom.
Paul urged Christians, “Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15). And why? Wise people encounter many opportunities to show the world the wisdom of God, especially in the midst of societal evils (Ephesians 5:16).
Notice those who pursue wisdom in your church. The Lord can use Christians like that in a great way to encourage, counsel, and bless His people.
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7. The People Who Fear God
The world is full of fear – and with good reason. It would be natural for Christians to succumb to their fears, but if they do, they will hinder their spiritual growth and maybe even spiritual progress in their families and churches. But there is another kind of fear that is not only healthy, it’s powerful! When embraced, it helps believers face down all their other fears. That is, of course, the fear of God.
For the unbeliever, the fear of God concerns judgment and eternity without hope (Luke 12:5; Hebrews 10:31), but for the Christian it means reverence for God that impacts how they live — the choices they make. More than respecting God, it involves a clear understanding that God hates sin (Hebrews 12:28-29; Deuteronomy 10:12, 20-21). It’s understanding that He may discipline His people over their sin, not because he hates them, but because He loves them as a father loves his children (Hebrews 12:6-11).
The wisdom that is important for growth, leadership, and positive impact begins with proper fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10). The fear of man is not good, making Christians anxious for others’ approval and labels of worth. But in the fear of God, Christians want His approval first, and find their identity in the Lord.
Take note of those in your congregation who sincerely fear God. They are people He often powerfully uses to advance His purposes.
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8. The People Who Are Faith-Filled
Without faith in who God is and belief that He rewards earnest seekers, it’s “impossible” to please Him (Hebrews 11:6), and it doesn’t encourage the body of Christ much either. On the other hand, people who are full of faith — because their confidence is in God — can encourage their pastors and leaders to believe God and all He wants for ministry growth.
Every Christian needs his or her “faith muscles” stretched from time to time, and wise believers will use the tough of experiences of life to build up their faith. Spiritual coasting happens when Christians only believe God for safe things, not big, even audacious things. The faith-filled Christian will desire to grow in faith (2 Thessalonians 1:3). As Paul said, “just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith” (Colossians 2:6-7). That’s what God means for every believer. Strong, bold faith.
Be thankful for the members in the congregation who live by faith instead of sight, believing God for big, seemingly impossible things.
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9. The People Who Forget about Themselves
This kind of Christian is exactly the opposite of finicky, fussy, bullying, or self-serving church members. It’s not that Christians must actually forget to care for themselves; that is unnatural and unhealthy. But what is meant here is humility, which is not natural and needs to be cultivated. And when humility blossoms, it is beautiful.
Paul expressed that in Philippians 2:3-5: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interest of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” In The Message translation, verse four says, “Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.”
Jesus humbly served His Father by obeying Him and helping people. His entire mission began with stepping out of heaven’s glory to become man and to seek and save the lost (Philippians 2:5-8; Luke 19:10). The Christian who chooses to “forget” about self-interests — not pushing personal opinions and agendas — will always be a welcome delight.
Jesus left us an example of servanthood. Like Him, we’re to serve one another in love and help to carry their burdens (Galatians 5:13; 6:2). Not being difficult or demanding, or believing they know more than others or are better than others, these people work to help others succeed. Look for those who serve with humility: meeting needs, helping others, and honoring God.
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10. The People Who Are Forgiven in Christ
Some of the saddest church members are those who do not have assurance of their salvation. On the other hand, pastors rejoice to have on-fire believers who know they are forgiven through the sacrificial offering of Jesus and are now accepted and blessed “in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6-7). Assured of God’s mercy and forgiveness, they are free to grow and encourage others to grow.
Pastors are often troubled by church goers and church members who may not be genuine Christians. The Lord Himself warned that there would be people who would falsely call Him Lord. On the day of judgment, He will say to them, “I never knew you; depart from me” (Matthew 7:21-23).
Phony Christians may sit quietly in pews. That is not the same as those who are ignorant of the truth of the Gospel, or those who lack the assurance of their salvation. Rather, the Lord referred to people who did great works for Him, but did not actually know Him. God knows that some professing Christians are simply taking up pew space, while others secretly create havoc behind the scenes to hinder His work. Every church should pray that God will convict church phonies, and that they will repent, turn to the Lord alone for salvation, and grow in true spiritual maturity.
Praise God for the people in your congregation who genuinely have turned to Christ for salvation and know they are forgiven by Him. The church will benefit as they trust God, live for Him, and tell others about Him.
Now, click here to read about The 10 Worst People in You Church
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Originally published Tuesday, 09 January 2024.