I have been in church ministry for over four years and during my time serving with the body, I have met and worked with many different types of people! It’s been such a pleasure to witness the beauty and strength of diversity in the gifting and personalities in the Lord’s house. To see so many different people come together to further the Great Commission has been so wonderful and I am humbled that I get to be a part of something bigger than myself.
As Christians, our body-wide mission is to go out into all the nations and make disciples of all people! While I have never personally planted a church, both my husband and I have served in them on the ground level. We’ve seen both the successes and the downfalls, and almost always, both of them have depended on the types of people serving on the church staff.
Regardless of the types of people on staff, it’s important that each person have the true desire to serve others. Serving, after all, is at the heart of the Body of Christ! Where you find people with servant’s hearts, you will find a humility that makes it possible for the Lord to move and have His way within the community.
Here are 10 Type of People Every Church Staff Needs. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but I believe it’s a good start. If you are looking to start a church, or you are looking to build your church’s staff, I hope this list blesses and encourages you to pray for these individuals to be added to your staff, if they aren’t already a part of it!

1. The Visionary
When we think about church, many people think about a gathering of people who come together to worship and praise the Lord. While this is true, the church gathers as a body of believers to accomplish something. Every church should have a vision and a mission that furthers the bigger Great Commission; it needs people who are able to catch the vision of their specific church and establish the pillars that will help that vision be achieved. Each church is unique and is placed in a specific community for a specific work, and so the vision and mission in one church won’t be the exact same as that of another. It’s important for there to be people on staff who can hear from the Lord the specific needs that their church community is called to fill, and then be able to communicate that vision effectively to the rest of the church body.
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2. The Creative
One of the things that I love about God is that he is so very creative. From the way he spoke life, and everything in it, into existence, to the way that he engineered the minds of humans. He did all of it with intention and a level of artistry that is unparalleled and breathtaking. He has given to His people the ability to make and create things that bring glory to His name and that showcases the wonder of his majesty. Every church needs people on their staff who are able and willing to tap into their creative gifts for the purposes of the kingdom. The awesome thing about this is that each person is unique in how and what they create! Imagine the music, the designs, and all the other types of art that can be cultivated with the right person/s on staff to oversee these areas! There would be no limit to the ways your church could reflect God’s Kingdom in your community through creativity.
Image Credit: Thinkstock.com

3. The People’s People
While every Christian is called to love and serve others, I will say that there are certain people who are graced and even gifted with the ability and desire to bring people together, to encourage them, uplift them, meet their needs, etc.! Every church needs these types of people on their staff to prioritize the church community, as well as those outside the church that who church is wanting to reach. The details and specifics of ministry can become hazy with details like budgets, buildings, and resources. It is good to have people on staff that remember to prioritize God’s people.
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4. The Prayer Warrior
We are living in a critical time in History where the church is able to be such a light in the darkness. Simply turn on the news and you can see the destruction that is happening in the world. The Church is able to be a beacon of hope, love, and peace to a world that really needs it. However, in order to be this, the church has to be protected and empowered through prayer. Every church staff needs someone that goes to war on behalf of the church in prayer!
If your church doesn't already have a prayer ministry, find a few of these prayer warriors and start one! They might be hard to find - the people don't want eyes on them and can usually be found behind the scenes, listening close and taking mental notes to know how to pray later on.
Image Credit: Thinkstock.com

5. The Peaceful Negotiator
A church isn’t void of disagreements amongst its people. Every church staff needs people who are patient and diplomatic when it comes to handling adverse situations. Without these people, a situation that could be rectified and dealt with peace and love, can threaten to tear a church apart.
If you're working with someone like this on your ministry team, make sure they are taking time for themselves to avoid burnout, and make sure they are not the only ones who are working to fix conflict. Dumping it all on their shoulders will only burn them out and make them ineffective in ministry.
Image Credit: Unsplash.com

6. The Facilitator
Every church staff needs people that are able to see the complexities that come with the demands of church ministry and be able to navigate them. Doing church is not easy work. But, it’s easier when there’s people present that can create plans of action that work!
If you don't have someone like this on your ministry team, consider looking at some of the people in your church who do this type of work vocationally. Have lay people step in, even for brief periods if the church needs help on a special project, is a great way to get people involved who often aren't looked at for traditional ministry roles but might make a perfect fit for these facilitating roles.
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7. The Supporter
This is the person that does a lot of the behind the scenes work for the church and they are happy to do it! While this person isn’t always seen, the work they do IS! Every church staff needs people who are able to support the inner workings of the ministry and do so with zeal and passion.
If you know someone like this at your church, make sure you take the time to thank them for all the work they do. While these people don't expect recognition, they still apprecate being seen! Encourage them to keep using their gifts, even when times are hard.
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8. The Business-Minded Individuals
Church is not a business. It doesn’t run to maximize the profit of money. However, there is a profit at stake, and that’s the souls of the weary, lost, and afflicted! There are many people who don’t know the Lord, who need to be reached. On the flip side, there are many people who do know Jesus, but they need to be edified and encouraged to run their own race in this Christian life. Churches need to be financed and run with structure. This is where the use of business principles come into play. There needs to be the right people in place to steward and allocate the resources the church receives in a way that glorifies and honors God. Christians who are business minded are excellent people to have on staff because they have a firm handle on business principles and are able to use them with wisdom. They also understanding that Jesus, who is the head of the church, is the one who runs the ship, so they are submitted to Him.
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9. The Tech Savvy
Every church staff needs someone who understands technology and how to use it. We live in a day and age where technology is used to reach people all over the earth. Why wouldn’t a church take advantage of it? While technology can receive a bad wrap for the access to information it provides, it can be a wonderful tool in the hands of the church because of the mission to spread the Gospel of Christ. Having people on your staff who are skilled in technology is a powerful asset!
When you have someone on your team gifted in technology, take time to listen to their recommendations about what technology could make your ministry operate more smoothly. Chances are, they have done a lot of research and can tell you the best deal and best use of your funds for whatever tech purchases you need to make.
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10. The Volunteer
While this person isn’t technically a part of staff, hence the name volunteer, it was good to include this person in the list because let's face it, sometimes, there isn’t always a specific person present to fill a specific need. This is where the volunteer comes into play! Volunteers are awesome because in their serving, they help the church and they build skills and giftings that can be used when and if they move into another area of serving. Also, who knows! Your volunteer may be the exact person to do what your church was needing all along!
Britnee is a free-spirited, Old Navy-wearin', coffee-shop lovin', wife and momma. She serves in the worship ministry with her husband at their home church in Glendale, AZ and writes with the sole purpose of pointing others to Christ. You can catch up with her on her blog or via Instagram and Facebook.
Image Credit: Thinkstock.com
Originally published Tuesday, 07 November 2017.