Incredibly talented Christian musician Ben Fuller shared his powerful and moving testimony during a prison concert.
Sin has done a number on our world, wrecking and utterly destroying everything imaginable. It has obliterated relationships and careers and upended entire lives. As a result of sin, it has created a world that is a lost place full of broken people who are hurting and calling out for help.
Everyone on Earth is a sinner, with the Bible stating that all have fallen short of the glory of God. While all have sinned and turned away from God, the prison system is full of people serving time after having run afoul of the law. Rightly or wrongly, many would consider the people who make up the prison population to be the worst of the worst. But God also sent His son for them as well. His love and forgiveness can redeem those men and women and make them a new creation in Christ.
In a clip posted on social media, Ben Fuller shows how the Lord saved and changed his life while performing for prisoners in California’s San Quentin prison. Ben mentions how, for more than a decade, he was an addict, but because of the power, love, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, he is no longer that person.
He states how, while he was still an addict, he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, hoping to become a country music star. However, as Ben soon learned, God had other plans for him. He was invited to church one Sunday, and that invitation forever changed him.
“And as a man that lived as a secret drug addict for 14 and a half years, I stood in that aisle way, and I felt the spirit of God,” Be said. “Romans 10:9 says, ‘If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. And I did just that, standing there in the aisle just by myself. I gave my full heart over to the Lord, and I said, ‘Fix it! You do it because I can’t!’”
The video ends with Ben telling the prisoners that God is not done with them. They have a purpose, and Ben tells them God has them where they are for a specific reason.
Romans 10:9: “Because, if you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and have faith in your heart that God has made him come back from the dead, you will have salvation.”
This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©Instagram/GodBehindBars
Originally published Friday, 03 January 2025.