Church Choir's Beautiful Cover of 'My Jesus' by Anne Wilson

Published Aug 12, 2024
Church Choir's Beautiful Cover of 'My Jesus' by Anne Wilson

A large church choir delivered a beautiful cover of “My Jesus,” a lovely and popular song from Christian music artist Anne Wilson.

Jesus Christ came to Earth and willingly went to the cross, suffering a horrible and brutal death. Christ took our place on that cross, bleeding, dying, and enduring treatment that He never deserved. He later rose from the grave, forever winning the victory over sin, shame, and death.

Christ went through all of that for you and me. All the beatings, mockery, suffering, and eventual death and resurrection were for us. He paid a price that no one else could fulfill. Because of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice and act of love, we can be forgiven and experience everlasting life with Him.

Love, mercy, and forgiveness are available to everyone, including the worst, most lost sinner. No one is too far gone from Christ's love and forgiveness. In a clip posted on YouTube, a church choir sings “My Jesus.” It’s a tune about the beautiful and awe-inspiring love of Jesus Christ.

The choir and a couple of singers at the front of the stage give an excellent and awe-inspiring performance, singing Anne Wilson’s song about the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The tune’s lyrics about Christ are enough to bring even the most stoic person to tears.

“He makes a way where there ain’t no way

Rises up from an empty grave

Ain’t no sinner He can’t

Let me tell you ‘bout my Jesus”

The message of this song is one that many people in the world today desperately need to hear. They are lost, hurting and looking for some glimmer and sign of hope. Christ can and will come alongside them, forgive them of their sins and turn their lives around, making them a new creation.

Acts 4:12 “And in no other is there salvation: for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, through which we may have salvation.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/First Baptist Dallas

Originally published Monday, 12 August 2024.