A college football player stepped up in a big way to care for his siblings after their mother passed away. This story and example of love and kindness will bring a tear, or two or three, to your eyes. Be sure to check out this heartwarming story.
Life is not a fair experience. Anyone who does believe life is fair is either incredibly wrong or downright crazy, but probably a little bit of both. Sure, there are many joyful occasions and reasons for celebration. However, there are also instances that result in immense pain, sorrow and heartache.
Through no fault of our own, we’ll find ourselves dealing with and in the middle of hardships. Situations or circumstances will spring up that cause life to become immensely more difficult. Armorion Smith and his siblings know this reality all too well. Their mother passed away due to cancer, leaving them without someone to care for and watch out for them.
Armorion, a Michigan State football team member, stepped up and answered the call, filling that role. As a 21-year-old student-athlete, he agreed to become the legal guardian for his siblings. So, now he’s not only juggling the duties and requirements of being a student-athlete but also as a caretaker for his siblings.
The clip posted on YouTube mentions that Armorion’s stepping up to become his siblings’ legal guardian fulfilled a promise made to his mother before she passed.
“If I don’t step up, who could they turn to?” Armorion said. “I’m just happy we’re all together; that’s just the biggest thing. I’m going to be their protector.”
The video states that Armorion is always there for his siblings to offer them words of wisdom and encouragement—to help them in the classroom or elsewhere.
“No matter what I do, he’s always trying to make sure I’m going in the right direction,” Armond, Armorion’s younger brother, said.
Romans 12:10: “Be kind to one another with a brother’s love, putting others before yourselves in honor;”
This content originally appeared on GodTube.com; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Good Morning America
Originally published Friday, 07 February 2025.