Director Jon Erwin Shares the God-Centered Vision behind 'House of David'
Michael Foust
Crosswalk Headlines ContributorThe creators behind House of David have outlined multiple seasons for the series, chronicling his rise from a young shepherd boy to his reign as king. The eight episodes of Season 1 cover several biblical stories, including Samuel anointing David, Saul inviting David to play the harp, Saul's fits of rage, and David's triumph over Goliath. The first episode opens with a somber Samuel revealing to Saul that God had rejected him as king.
A new studio, Wonder Project, produced House of David. It was co-founded by Jon Erwin, who previously directed such faith-based movies as I Can Only Imagine and Jesus Revolution. Erwin conceived the idea for the project as a teenager -- although back then, he envisioned only a movie.
Erwin believes the series can attract people of faith and non-faith. If it grows in popularity, he said, then "people who would watch something like Game of Thrones would end up watching this series."
Nearly every culture, he said, knows of the story of David and Goliath.
"You don't have to know anything about the Bible to understand this hero's journey," Erwin told Crosswalk Headlines. "This is a classic hero's journey."
Erwin talks often with Dallas Jenkins, the creator and director of The Chosen. Erwin hopes the series leads viewers back to the Bible.
"This is not Scripture. This is a TV show, and it is a love letter to the Bible," he said.
Read 4 Reasons ‘House of David’ Is a Must-Watch for Faith-Based Audiences!
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