Family's Beautiful 'God Is So Good' Hymn Rendition

Updated Jul 11, 2024
Family's Beautiful 'God Is So Good' Hymn Rendition

A large family – six children and a mother and father – turned in a beautiful performance of the beloved hymn “God is so Good.”

Life can be a struggle at times. Situations and circumstances will leave you battered and bruised. Sadly, we’ll all experience instances that will bring about intense grief, suffering, and pain. Those situations have a way of visiting and finding everyone at one time or another.

However, no matter what we’re going through or enduring, we can rest assured that God has not left. He is still on the throne and in control. He remains the same loving, righteous, and faithful God.

The old but beloved classic hymn “God is so Good” beautifully describes a loving, loyal and faithful God. In a clip posted on YouTube, the Cinereski Family performs this classic, reminding us of God's goodness.

“God is so good

God is so good

God is so good

He’s so good to me”

Every family member sounds terrific as they all demonstrate their God-given musical gifts. It’s a version you’ll want to listen to repeatedly if for nothing else, to be reminded of the mighty and powerful God we serve.

The fantastic vocal performances are not the only reasons to watch and listen to the Cinereski Family sing “Good is so Good.” When small children are involved, you can never be too sure what they’ll do and when; that is the case here.

Keep your eye on the young man in the front row, second from the right. Around the 30-second mark of the clip, he seemingly has heard enough. He plugs and eventually covers his ears. Everyone else in the video continues singing as the little guy shows that he’s heard all that he wants to hear.

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/The Cinereski Family

Originally published Thursday, 11 July 2024.