Jeremy Camp's Powerful 'These Days' Live Performance Video

Published Jul 10, 2024

Jeremy Camp's Powerful 'These Days' Live Performance Video from jeremy-camp on GodTube.

The world is a fallen place filled with lost and hurting people looking for even the tiniest glimmer of hope. They are crying out for something, anything, that will help alleviate their pain and suffering. Many have searched and searched for a solution but have come up empty every time.

Christians are charged with reaching these lost and broken people. We are tasked with going forth into all the nations and making disciples for Him. Jesus Christ’s message of love, mercy, and the forgiveness of sins is one that the world needs to hear.

Christ’s message is too important to conceal and keep to ourselves, no matter the obstacles or forces that may sometimes oppose Christians. That’s one of the messages someone could take away from Jeremy’s upbeat and catchy song “These Days.” It’s an uplifting and encouraging tune for those who may have run into things trying to stop or slow us down from witnessing to someone about Christ.

In the official live performance video, Jeremy gives a fantastic, energetic rendition of his tune about being a light in a lost and broken world.

“I know we were born to shine bright

In a dark world that needed some light

Don’t have to be afraid

Maybe we were made for these days”

In the song, Jeremy also sings how God does not make mistakes. We were all made and placed on Earth for a reason. God has a role and a job for everyone to step into and do. All people have worth and matter greatly to the Creator of the universe.

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©GodTube/jeremy-camp

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