Russell Brand Marks 22 Years Sober by Declaring ‘God Is Real’

Updated Mar 26, 2025
Russell Brand Marks 22 Years Sober by Declaring ‘God Is Real’

Russell Brand marked 22 years of sobriety by declaring, “God is Real.” The actor, author and podcast host celebrated more than two decades of sobriety by recognizing God's help getting and staying clean. Check out the video to hear Russell’s powerful and inspiring words about the important milestone in his life and sobriety.

The world is a lost and fallen place filled with hurting and struggling people. As the Bible says, all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. We’re all sinners who have willingly turned our backs on Him. None of us deserves or will ever deserve the love, forgiveness, and mercy that He so freely offers all.

He has the ability and power to forgive and cleanse even the most wretched, lost sinner of them all. He can mend hearts, live,s and relationships. He even has the power to break addictions that have consumed and taken control of someone’s life for years.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Russell celebrates being sober for more than 20 years. He mentions that one of the most important things he’s learned in that time has been the importance of his spiritual life.

“What the great gift of recovery is is the ability to know and practice that the spiritual life has to come first, and the most important thing in your life is the way that you serve other people,” he said.

Near the end of the clip, Russell offers those who are struggling and who might be amid an addiction some advice.

“If you’re struggling, there’s a way out of that struggle,” he said. “God is real. And the things in your life that feel like punishments are lessons and opportunities to move closer to God. And the closer to God you get, the more beautiful life can be.”

2 Timothy 1:7: “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©YouTube/
Russell Brand

Originally published Tuesday, 25 March 2025.