Two Heroes Save Unconscious Man on NYC Subway Tracks

Updated Aug 19, 2024
Two Heroes Save Unconscious Man on NYC Subway Tracks

In the bustling heart of New York City, amidst the rush of the subway system, a profound act of heroism unfolded that would resonate deeply beyond the crowded platform. Jordan, a tourist from Las Vegas, found himself suddenly thrust into a life-or-death situation when an unconscious man fell onto the tracks. Without a moment's hesitation, Jordan and another stranger leaped into action.

Amidst the chaos of shouting bystanders and frantic calls for help, Jordan acted swiftly, driven by instinct and compassion with another good samaritan. Together, they carefully lifted the unconscious man to safety, their adrenaline-fueled efforts ensuring his swift rescue. Jordan credits the speedy rescue and the ability to lift the unconscious man onto the platform with little effort, thanks to his hobby of rock climbing. 

He also unknowingly put his life on the line because he wasn’t aware of the dangerous third rail’s deadly charge like most New Yorkers do. Once he learned about the danger, he was relieved and felt protected by God’s hands as he crossed the electrically charged rail back and forth to the other side of the rail station multiple times.

As emergency services arrived and the injured man was secured, Jordan's demeanor remained remarkably composed and calm. He returned to the platform's edge, ready to resume waiting for his subway train, though the gravity of his actions began to sink in. He had risked his life multiple times, navigating the electrified rails with the enthusiasm of the rescue.

Later reflections humbled Jordan, realizing God had used him as an angel on earth that night. His selfless bravery illustrated the power of human kindness and the courage that emerges in crisis. In the aftermath, Jordan's story spread widely, touching hearts and inspiring others with its profound message of hope and compassion.

In a world often fraught with turmoil and uncertainty, Jordan's actions serve as a reminder that heroes can emerge from unexpected places. His bravery stands as a testament to the divine potential within each of us to make a difference, to be a light in someone's darkest moment. Jordan, an unwitting angel on earth, exemplified the extraordinary impact of ordinary acts of courage and compassion.

John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Inside Edition

Originally published Monday, 19 August 2024.