Who wouldn’t want the gift of a song to express what your presence means to someone? Vince Gill and his daughter Corrina perform a duet to ‘When My Amy Prays,’ and it’s nothing short of romantically incredible.
Gill and Grant roll off the tongue as if their names were always meant to be paired together. Amy Grant and Vince Gill have become a marriage icon after celebrating 21 years and the gift Vince gave Amy was unimaginable! He wrote a song to express how Amy’s faith, her love, and the life they built together helped his relationship with God.
Vince knew Jesus was the way, the truth, and the life. But there is a big difference between knowing Jesus and the knowledge of Jesus. Vince didn’t realize until after dating Amy that he was in the latter camp. Before their marriage, both were married to other people. They met to sing ‘House of Love’ together. They both had immense respect for the other and a deep friendship.
Years later after both of their marriages had dissolved, the pair instantly reconnected. Later, the couple welcomed Corrina into the world, who truly brought the couple’s families together. Vince thanks God every day for Amy’s strong faith in God and her strong faith and encouragement of him!
What gift do you get the love of your life who taught you not only what love is but also showed you the way to your mighty Savior? A song of course. And not just any song, a song performed for the first time in public as a duet with your daughter. If the lyrics don’t reveal just how much he cherishes his wife, then their performance will.
“All my life I’ve known of Jesus but that connection never came. And when my world was torn to pieces, I still couldn’t call his name. But when my Amy prays, when my Amy prays, that’s when I see his face.”
"For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her." Ephesians 5:25
Credit: Godtube
Source: Vince Gill
Originally published Friday, 30 April 2021.